
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoshikyo
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综合带四极形变约束的相对论或非相对论哈特里-福克-波戈溜波夫理论和投影壳模型的优点,发展了一种计算原子核的角动量(自旋)作投影的位能曲面群的新方法(组合方法)。该方法能在原子核的形变、自旋和同位旋这三度空间中对原子核的结合能这一核物理中最基本而重要的物理量进行断层扫描。将组合方法用于计算铅同位素原子核~(190,192)Pb的自旋作投影的位能曲面群,研究了其超形变转动带。位能曲面群计算中采用了 Based on the advantages of relativistic or non-relativistic Hartley-Foucault-Bogotochovov theory and projection shell model with quadrilateral deformation constraints, a new method of calculating the angular momentum (spin) New method of grouping (combination method). This method can scan the most basic and important physical quantities of the nuclear binding energy, which is the nuclear energy, in the three spaces of the deformation, spin and isospin of the nucleus. The combinatorial method was used to calculate the spin-projection surface energy group of Pb isotopes ~ (190,192) Pb, and its superdeformed rotational band was studied. Bit surface can be used in the calculation of the group
基于前期投影后变分(variation after projection,VAP)方法的经验,对该方法作了进一步发展。首次计算了投影能量的确切Hessian矩阵,这使得VAP计算更稳定,迭代收敛更快。在新
19 pairs of ~6Li and ~7Li glass were placed in multi-shells respectively,and a polyethylene sphere was divided into.The pairs detect thermal neutrons in differe
Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System(ADS)is an advanced nuclear energy system,which can transmute long-lived radionuclides effectively.In the ADS system,there
目的观察犀角地黄汤加减和青霉素联合治疗点滴型银屑病的疗效。方法 72例患者随机分为治疗组(36例)与对照组(36例)。治疗组给予青霉素钠针剂每日静滴800万U/d;联合犀角地黄汤
A new variation after projection(VAP)calculation based on a time-odd Hartree-Fock(HF)mean field was implemented.The exact Hessian matrix of the projected energy
它“贵气”十足,于宋代成为朝廷贡品;它很早便纳入专业文献推介,我国历史上最早的石谱——宋朝杜绾所著的《云林石谱》对其记载甚详,指出其产于“英州洽光、真阳县之间,石产溪水中”。它在奇石界名望极高,宋朝把它与灵璧石、太湖石等“怪石”列入文房四玩,更是清代以来公认的四大园林名石之一。它一身具“皱、透、瘦、漏”之神韵,曾被文人墨客视为挚爱、倾情赋诗。它就是英石。至今,英石文化已有近千年历史。  古人云:“
MCNP can provide neutron prompt removal time,but it is not an equivalent to the neutron effective generation time.For a mini-type fast reactor with beryllium re