
来源 :固原师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixiangreng
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近20年来,考古工作者在固原发掘不少汉代墓葬,出土了大量的随葬品,由此可看到汉墓在固原的分布规律、丧葬习俗、墓主身份、墓葬形制、随葬器物等,从而反映出汉代高平在高度统一的汉文化影响下的墓葬文化,其面貌和内涵与中原基本保持一致,但也有自己的地方特点。 In the recent 20 years, archaeologists have unearthed many Han tombs in Guyuan and unearthed a large number of funerary objects. From this, we can see the distribution pattern of Han tombs in Guyuan, the funeral customs, the identity of the tomb owners, the shape of the tombs, the burial objects and so on It reflects the tomb culture under the influence of the highly unified Chinese culture of Gaoping in the Han Dynasty. Its appearance and connotation are basically consistent with the Central Plains, but it also has its own local characteristics.
A nonlinearity measurement of the charge-coupled device(CCD) array spectrometer using flux addition and comparison method is described. The light with various c
通过对 F2 1 5 断层水泥化学材料复合灌浆试验成果的分析研究 ,进一步论证了试验设计方案、工艺及处理标准的合理性 ,为确定类似三峡工程 F2 1 5 断层性状的处理措施提供了依
Bottom-emitting organic light-emitting diodes(BOLEDs),using Al/MoO_3 as the semitransparent anode and LiF/Al as tie reflective cathode and Alq_3 as the emitter,
We consider intrinsic gate capacitance variations due to random dopants in the nanometer metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor(MOSFET) channel.The v
为扭转江垭枢纽引水发电系统施工初期严重滞后的被动局面 ,业主充分发挥工程建设的主导作用 ,合理调整施工进度计划 ,以关键路径为导向 ,制定切实可行的阶段目标 ,实行目标管