本文报导在新发的心房纤颤(房颤)病人中,使用地高辛转复心律的结果.资料与方法;在1983年10月到1985年7月中,波士顿市医院急诊室和病房的全部新发房颤(发作持续时间不超过7天)病人均为研究时象.在剔除具有影响研究的因素之后,余下的病人都配戴24小时 Holter 监护仪.随机分配病人服用胶囊装的地高辛成与之外表相似的安慰剂(研究开始服三粒,以后在4小时,8小时、14小时分别服二粒,一粒和一粒)胶囊的内容对调查者和病人都保密,每粒
This article reports the results of digoxin revascularization in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). Materials and Methods; Between October 1983 and July 1985, the Boston Hospital Emergency Room and Ward All new cases of atrial fibrillation (episodes lasting no more than 7 days) were all time-tested, and the remaining patients were enrolled in a 24-hour Holter monitor after removing factors that had an impact on the study. Gaussian into place with the appearance of the same placebo (study began serving three, after 4 hours, 8 hours, 14 hours, respectively, two capsules, one capsule and one capsule) content of the investigator and the patient are confidential, each grain