Vascular Damages in Rats Immunized by α_1-Adrenoceptor Peptides

来源 :Cellular & Molecular Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshucai123
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Autoantibodies against the α1-adrenoceptor which had agonist activity as norepinephrine might play roles in the progression of hypertension, but whether the autoantibodies could induce vascular remodeling as norepinephrine is not clear. In this paper, the models with antibodies against the α1-adrenoceptor were made by immunizing Wistar rats with the synthesized the second extracellular loop of α1-adrenoceptor peptides. The homo-age male Wistar rats received BSA in the same immunizing manner and male spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) were used as control. All the rats were raised for one year. The blood pressure and morphological changes of arteries were measured. In the end, despite the systolic blood pressure of immunized rats had no difference with normal control, the media thickness of aortas and ratio of media to lumen in the third-order arteries of mesenteric vasculature were increased in immunized rats. The observation with electron microscope showed that the mitochondria of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) had notable hyperplasia, and the interstitial collagen fibril was increased too. The effects of purified antibodies against α1-adrenoceptor on the proliferation of cultured VSMCs, and the expressions of c-jun, c-fos and α1-adrenoceptor were detected. The results showed that the antibodies could promote the proliferation of cultured VSMCs, and enhance the expression of c-jun both in vitro and in vivo. So we concluded that antibodies against the α1-adrenoceptor could contribute to vascular damages in rats by stimulating the growth of VSMCs which might be caused by the increased c-jun expression, and might play particular roles in the pathological changes of hypertension. Autoantibodies the α1-adrenoceptor which had agonist activity as norepinephrine might play roles in the progression of hypertension, but whether the autoantibodies could induce vascular remodeling as norepinephrine is not clear. In this paper, the models with antibodies against the α1-adrenoceptor were made by immunizing Wistar rats with the synthesized the second extracellular loop of α1-adrenoceptor peptides. The homo-age male Wistar rats received BSA in the same immunizing manner and male spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) were used as control. One year. The blood pressure and morphological changes of arteries were measured. In the end, despite the systolic blood pressure of immunized rats had no difference with normal control, the media thickness of aortas and ratio of media to lumen in the third-order arteries of mesenteric vasculature were increased in immunized rats. The observation with electron microscope showed that the mitochondria of The effects of purified antibodies against α1-adrenoceptor on the proliferation of cultured VSMCs, and the expressions of c-jun, c-fos and α1- The results showed that the antibody could promote the proliferation of cultured VSMCs, and enhance the expression of c-jun both in vitro and in vivo. So we concluded that antibodies against the α1-adrenoceptor could contribute to vascular damages in rats by stimulating the growth of VSMCs which might be caused by the increased c-jun expression, and might play particular roles in the pathological changes of hypertension.
依取向空间的等体积划分原理,将传统的六方晶系材料特征非对称子空间(等角法)予以改造。并按等面积投影法对 ODF 图进行重建。按此法对实测的冷轧 TA7 合金板材完整ODF 施行
通过分析生产力基本要素之间相互依存、互为前提的辩证关系,阐明了我国现阶段发展非公有制经济的必要性和合理性 By analyzing the dialectical relations between the basic
<正> 张星烺先生(1888年~1951年)我国著名的史学家、中西交通史学科的创建人之一,字亮尘,江苏泗阳(旧称桃源)人,清末民初著名的同盟会革命活动家、我国现代地理学的先驱者张相文(字蔚西)之子。幼年曾跟随父亲学习历史、地理和古典文学,12岁时就读完了《左传》等书,为他以后的研究工作打下了最初的基础。1899年,入上海南洋公学留学班学习;1902年,又考入天津北洋大学。因学习成绩优异,于1906年被北洋大学选派赴美留学,进入哈佛大学化学系学习。在学习化学的同时,因受父亲的影响,对地学也很感
天津市一中心医院1976年1月~1980年6月收治ARDS43例,按1979年全国急性三衰抢救研究协作组休克肺专题座谈会标准诊断及分期。治疗方法包括:①左除病因(用 Tianjin Central Hos