探究情感教育 提高语文教学实效

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情感教育就是在教学中充分重视情感的作用,积极进行师生间的情感交流、沟通,以情育情,以情启智,达到既培养学生思想道德素质,又提高学生文化素质的目的。我在多年的中职语文教学中,对培养学生健康情感做了一些探究,取得了较好的效果。一、感受音乐律动,品味生命忧情有些中职学生连基础的拼音都写不出,更不用说欣赏一篇诗歌或散文,这让教师感到困扰。学习诗歌是培养学生对美好事物的鉴赏力及对艺术的感知力的有效途径,对他们审美情趣的培养及品德修养的提高等都起着至关重要的作用。【案例一】教学《中职语文》(基础模块)下册中的戴望舒《雨巷》一文。课文导入时,我告诉学生允许他们在本次课堂上玩手机。学生一听到可以拿手机听歌便兴趣倍增,课堂气氛异常活跃,学生个个都很好奇我接下去要布置什么任务。接着我提出:“大家想听歌吗,那就先读一遍《雨巷》,想一想,诗人打造的是一个什么样的主人公,她具有什么样的性格特征?”与以往相比,学生的学习兴趣明显增强。等到学生把相应的问题都解决了,我在课堂上播放唐磊的《丁香花》。听完歌后,让学生从背景、性格特征、寓景等方面对两个“丁香”进行比较。有学生这样分析: Emotional education is to give full attention to the role of emotion in teaching, and actively carry out emotional exchanges and communication between teachers and students, with emotions and emotions, and intelligence in order to achieve the purpose of not only cultivating students’ ideological and moral qualities, but also improving students’ cultural quality. In my many years of Chinese language teaching in secondary vocational schools, I have done some research on training students’ healthy emotions and achieved good results. First, feel the rhythm of music and taste the feelings of life Some students in secondary vocational schools can’t even write the basic pinyin, let alone appreciate a piece of poetry or prose, which makes teachers feel puzzled. Learning poetry is an effective way to cultivate students’ appreciation of good things and their perception of art. It plays a crucial role in cultivating their aesthetic interests and enhancing their moral cultivation. [Case 1] The article “Dream Lane” by Dai Wangshu in the second volume of the teaching “Chinese Vocational Chinese” (basic module). When the text was imported, I told students to allow them to play mobile phones in this class. As soon as the students heard that they could listen to the songs on their mobile phones, they would have an increased interest. The atmosphere of the classroom was extremely active and all the students were curious as to what task I was going to lay next. Then I proposed: “Do you want to listen to the song? Then read Rain Lane all the time. Think about what kind of character the poet is creating. What kind of character does she have?” Students’ interest in learning has increased significantly. When the students solved the corresponding problems, I played Tang Lei’s Lilac in the class. After listening to the song, let the students compare the two “cloves” in terms of background, character, and scenery. Some students analyze this:
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