A case study of TBLT language lesson

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:websea
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  Participants, Topic, Materials and Objectives
  The four participants are four Chinese MA students from Newcastle University, whose language proficiency varies from B1-C1 based on CEFR. Considering their age, proficiency and can-do statement, a highly meaning focused topic as house renting in Newcastle is chosen. This topic links their real-world relationship, which means they have some schemata of this topic. The materials are authentic. Clips are from the property officer of the UK; written texts are extracted from the University websites; and the four accommodations are selected from house rental websites in Newcastle. The language skill is focused on speaking, unfocused open speaking and decision making. The communicative goals are expressing agreement and disagreement in different ways as well as give reasons. The linguistic goal is to use third person singular correctly.
  Task Implementation
  1. Pre-task
  In this stage, the teacher role is to prime learners to focus on the topic, give precise instructions with a clear completion point, and introduce the vocabulary associated with the topic.
  Firstly, the teacher showed three pictures induce students to guess what the task would involve. It helped the lesson procedure went on. After that the non-task preparation activity, brain-storming, activated learners’ schemata and successfully encouraged them to engage in participation. These two activities helped learners know what they were going to talk about and assist to formulate the language needed to express their ideas later
  The video materials that involved the ‘tips before renting’ helped learners recalled and gained extra knowledge based on question and answer activity and information gap activities. Meanwhile, useful vocabularies are highlighted to draw learners’ attention. The tasks end up with a complete form filling of the house renting information. In this activity, learners were provided help on vocabulary comprehension and the teacher as a knowledge knower and facilitator to help them understand the instructions and implemented as planned. The last activity is the reasoning activities, in which learners are required to make an order from the most important and the least according to their own opinion. Through the two input activates, the last activity is a production phase.
  2. Main Task
  In this stage, students are required to come up with the best accommodation they want to live according to the previous ‘make order’ activity in the pre-task. This input retrieval process helps students to focus on language and go beyond the information provided. Finally, opinion gap activity that involved personal preference, feeling and attitude, could give response to the accommodation selection. It could be seen as a production process. It provided every student with plenty of opportunities to use language, to expose the third person singular when they describe the accommodations, and to show agreement and disagreement as well. For example, student A said ‘I don’t think house A is the best choice, because it takes 20 minutes to the university’. Finally, a short presentation was given with a clear decision as a communicative outcome.   3. Post-task
  In this stage, learners are required to perform consciousness-raising and practice activities directed at the third person singular. The objective is to review the language form and help them to use it correctly.
  Firstly, the teacher chose some sentences selected in the main-tasks with the wrong form to exam whether students could identify the mistakes. This could help learners not to be isolated for the form-focused activity. In this activity, the teacher found some way to facilitate learners to identify the language form by individuals or by group discussion. Teachers asked learners to read the sentence and then ask them if they can find the mistakes. Therefore, the noticing function could be achieved. Then, teacher made up relevant questions about the third person singular to help students to enhance their explicit knowledge. After that, plenty activities with the third person singular are provided them to do. The last activity is a production activity. Learners are required to introduce their current accommodation with the third person singular to their partners and then give some comments. This is the production part that provides learners with chances to use the third person singular.
  Through these activities, all of them improve the accuracy and fluency of the target form as predicted. It restructured, automatized and consciously attended to language forms that were used in the previous phase.
陕西蓝田的王先生办理客运专线许可手续,其中一项资料需要蓝田县交管部门盖章,但相关负责人告诉他:“这项业务上级没培训,单位没人会办。”他找运管站所有相关科室,客运科、办公室和一位侯姓站长,但都没用。  当地媒体报道后,日前,蓝田县委对作出不当回答的工作人员进行了批评教育,并由分管交通的副县长带领相关人员登门道歉。  工作人员回答、办事不当,副县长登门道歉,这番态度可谓积极,既是对存在问题的正视和重视
【摘要】随着科学技术的飞速发展,我们的社会也在日益进步,教育则成为了我国发展过程当中的重中之重,而千年沿袭下来的班级授课方式,在科学技术飞速发展的今天,则逐渐凸显出了其本身的不足,其中突出表现在了初中英语的教学当中。本文针对我国英语教学的现状进行了概述,又阐述了分层教学的特点以及优点,从而更好的激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,满足不同层次学生的需求,进而提高我国的的初中英语教学质量。  【关键词】初中英
【摘要】随着社会的高速发展,教育改革的不断深入,英语已经成为人们生活过程中不可或缺的一部分。为此,学习英语、学好英语已经变得非常重要。英语阅读教学是培养学生听、说、读、写能力最重要的方式。作为高中英语教育工作者,我们要不断提高自身认识,从而促进优质英语阅读教学课堂的合理开展。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读教学 问题 目标 方法 课外  众所周知,英语阅读是英语学习四项重要的语言技能之一,也是英语语言
摘要:就我国审计市场的现状来看,上市公司注册会计师审计可靠性较差,难以真正起到改善财务会计信息质量、保护投资者特别是中小投资者利益的作用。文章分析了其原因,并就完善监管、创设环境、内部治理等几个方面讨论了提高审计质量的对策。  关键词:注册会计师;审计;审计质量    一、注册会计师审计质量存在的问题    我国国家审计署日前组织对16家具有上市公司年度会计报表审计资格的会计师事务所的审计业务质量