My First Time to Cook

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  My parents went to visit my grandparents. They would come back tomorrow. I had to cook for myself this evening.
  I thought it was easy to cook rice. First I washed the rice with water. Then I added enough water to cook. When the rice was OK, I begin① to cook meat. I saw mother cook meat with onions. So I cut some onions. Then my eyes were so uncomfortable that they could not open any longer. I shut up my mouth, with tear② in eyes.
  My classmate Chen Dalong came to my house and asked me to help with his math. He looked at me and asked, “What are you crying for?”
  “The onions make my eyes uncomfortable and I can’t help crying.”
  “I have a good way to cut onions. You should put the onions into water. When you cut the onions, the water will keep the onions wet. You have③ a try,” he said.
  湖南省永州市冷水滩区竹山桥学校八(59)班 陈文秀
  1. 优点:
  2. 需要修改的地方:
  ① begin改为began。前面是过去时态,前后时态要保持一致;
  ② tear改为tears。tear作“眼泪”讲是可数名词,所以此处应用其复数形式“tears”;
  ③ have改为can have。根据上下文,建议对方试一试,用情态动词can。
汉语中的“一……就……”句式在英语中有多种表达方式,现将几种常用的表达方式归纳如下:  一、连词  1. as soon as  I’ll ring you up as soon as I get a reply from Lucy. 我一得到露西的答复就给你打电话。  As soon as he got well, he went back to school. 他病一好就回去上学了。  2.
摘要:随着信息技术和教学理念的不断更新,各个学科的课堂教学越来越多样化,教师不得不面对的一个问题就是学生学习起点和学习能力的差异化。因此教师必须探索能够满足学生个性化需求的教学模式。微课以其自身优势能够很好地适应学习者的个性化需求,于是我校信息科技的课堂教学引入微课,探索关注学生个性化学习的课内翻转教学模式。本文将通过具体案例,展示基于微课的教学实践和课内翻转教学模式及思考。  引言  课堂教学采
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