尤拉德矿山和选矿厂位于美国科罗拉多州帝国城西面9哩,距丹佛55哩,距40号公路的终点约1 1/2哩。在红山南侧的一个狭窄山谷中,选矿厂的标高为10,220呎。早在五十多年前已发现了红山的尤拉德钼矿床。第一次世界大战期间,在1918~1919年16个月中,选矿厂共处理了含MoS_2为0.975%的矿石71,300吨,后由于缺乏销售市场而仃产。在1944年6月日处理200吨矿石的选矿厂
The Yound Mining and Dressing Plant is located 9 miles west of Imperial City, Colorado, 55 miles from Denver and about 1 1/2 miles from the end of Route 40. In a narrow valley to the south of Red Hill, the elevation of the concentrator is 10,220 feet. The Yuladde molybdenum deposit in Hongshan was discovered more than 50 years ago. During World War I, during the 16 months between 1918 and 1919, the concentrator handled 71,300 tons of ores containing 0.975% MoS 2 and then deactivated it due to the lack of a sales market. A beneficiation plant that processes 200 tons of ore on June 1944