
来源 :中国医药导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honghuishupian
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“如果只拿砖瓦泥石去卖,你只是一个材料供应商;如果能搭建出符合医院应用的系统,你就是一个解决方案供应商。医院里需要的是解决方案供应商,而不愿意只跟卖砖瓦泥石的人来打交道。”著名信息化专家李包罗这样形容医院与IT企业的关系。近期,“欣弗事件”受世人瞩目,透过现象看本质,让我们再次认识到医疗信息化的重要性。一些医院、IT厂商致函本刊,希望请专家能就“医院信息化建设过程中,医院与IT厂商如何构建新型合作关系”问题给予解答。为此,本刊记者走访了李包罗先生。 “You’re just a material supplier if you only get brick and mortar to sell, and you are a solution provider if you can build a system that fits your hospital application, and you need a solution provider in your hospital rather than just a With brick and mortar sales people to deal with. ”Well-known information technology expert Li Bao Luo described the relationship between the hospital and IT companies. Recently, the “Xinver Incident” has attracted worldwide attention. By looking at the essence of phenomena, let us once again realize the importance of medical informatization. Some hospitals and IT vendors sent letters to this publication, hoping to ask experts to give answers to the question “How should hospitals and IT vendors build new types of cooperation during the construction of hospital informatization?” To this end, the reporter visited Mr. Li Bao Luo.
玉米(Zea mays L.)是世界三大主要粮食作物之首,既可作为人类粮食供应也可加工成动物饲料,还可以作为重要的工业原料。自20世纪以来,随着我国育种技术和栽培技术的发展,玉米