Applications-Some Influences of Engineering Ideas on Biology Being the fifth in a series of essays o

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Ideas from engineering have helped the understanding of biological organisms for thousands of years. However, the me- chanical aspects of biological materials and structures can, if properly interpreted and analysed, lead to a deeper understanding of the biology of organisms. Such an approach, although always current in some form, is nevertheless subject to the vagaries of fashion and the availability of analytical techniques. At present we are in a period of upturn. Areas of interest are deployable structures (applications in aerospace), palaeontology (how little do we need to know in order to create a credible biosphere) and food science (we need a rational approach to the mechanics of food). However, the me- chanical aspects of biological materials and structures can, if properly interpreted and analysed, lead to a deeper understanding of the biology of organisms. Such an approach, though always current in some form, is nevertheless subject to the vagaries of fashion and the availability of analytical techniques. Areas of interest are deployable structures (applications in aerospace), palaeontology (how little do we need to know in order to create a credible biosphere) and food science (we need a rational approach to the mechanics of food).
1999年 1 0月 1 9日 ,一场别开生面的考试正在烟台市牟平区地税局宁海分局紧张而有序地进行着。分局长姜松和两名副局长在两名税务干部和四位特邀企业财务负责人组成的监考小
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今年 1月 8日——— 1 0日 ,全省财税工作会议在济南召开 ,省长李春亭作了重要讲话 ,他在分析了当前的财政经济形势之后强调指出 ,今年的财税工作 ,要继续认真贯彻落实积极的
本文研究了在pH 7.40条件下,羟基磷灰石(HAP)对1-羟乙基二膦酸盐(EHDP)的吸附以及pH值和钙离子对其吸附的影响,此外还研究了F~-对HAP吸附EHDP以及EHDP对HAP吸附F~-的相互影响
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