General Situation In the last two decades, research on natural medicines has been paid much attention in foreign countries. In particular, research on botanical ingredients has progressed faster. In the past decades, foreign countries paid great attention to the variety and identification of natural medicines, especially botanicals; in recent years, they have focused more on finding out their chemical relationships in the classification of plant systems. The development of the new discipline of phytochemical taxonomy was promoted. For the study of plant morphology and histology for the purpose of identifying the authenticity and inferiority of drugs, with the exception of Japan, the Soviet Union, and India, several countries still pay considerable attention, while other industrially developed countries focus more on chemical composition. Due to the rapid progress in research in this area, the chemical composition of natural medicines has become a major branch of phytochemistry, and it is also one of the most flourishing and productive fields in the field of medicinal chemistry. First, find new drugs