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聚集强度指数用来判别天敌和害虫的空间分布及其关系,但抽样样方的大小影响聚集强度指数的大小。为了分析在不同大小聚块条件下,天敌对柑橘粉虱空间上跟随关系的密切程度、聚集原因和聚集范围,为评价柑橘粉虱的天敌优势种提供科学依据,用聚块样方方差分析法、灰色关联度分析法、空间聚集强度指数法、种群聚集均数法和ρ指数法对安徽省潜山县茶园不同大小聚块条件下的柑橘粉虱及其11种主要天敌中的6种天敌进行分析。柑橘粉虱与其6种天敌的关联度分析结果表明,与柑橘粉虱空间上跟随关系密切的天敌是草间小黑蛛(0.848 6)、八点球腹蛛(0.840 6)和龟纹瓢虫(0.805 5),与柑橘粉虱空间上跟随关系较不密切的天敌是红点唇瓢虫(0.764 2)。在聚块内包含有1、2、4、8个基本样方时,随着聚块内基本样方数的增多,聚集分布格局的扩散系数不断增大,均匀和随机格局的扩散系数C值不断减小。聚块基本样方数为2、4、6、8、16和32时与为1时之间的柑橘粉虱及其天敌的空间分布聚集程度差异均不显著。柑橘粉虱的种群聚集均数λ多数大于2,其聚集是本身原因引起的;天敌和柑橘粉虱在种群聚集均数为正值时,随着聚块中基本样方数的增加,种群聚集均数不断增大。用柑橘粉虱不同大小聚块的ρ指数判断个体群聚集时的最小范围是聚块中有1个基本样方,即本文的1.7 m2,为该虫抽样时确定样方大小提供科学依据。 The aggregation intensity index is used to determine the spatial distribution of the natural enemies and the pests and the relationship between them. However, the size of the sampling quadrat affected the aggregation intensity index. In order to analyze the closeness, aggregation reason and aggregation range of natural enemies on the spatial relationship of Citrus whitefly under different sizes of aggregates, this study provided a scientific basis for the evaluation of dominant species of natural whitefly. Using cluster analysis of variance (ANOVA) , Gray relational analysis (ANOVA), spatial agglomeration strength index, population aggregation mean and ρ exponential method were used to analyze the genetic diversity of citrus whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and six kinds of natural enemies of eleven main natural enemies under different sizes of tea plantations in Qianshan County, Anhui Province. Analyze. The results of correlation analysis between Citrus whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and its six kinds of natural enemies showed that the natural enemies closely related to the whitefly were citrus black spider (0.848 6), Spider mite (0.840 6) and Propylaea japonica (0.805 5). The natural enemies that were less closely related to the whitefly were citrus red spot ladybird (0.764 2). When there are 1, 2, 4, and 8 basic quadrats in the block, as the number of basic quadrats in the block increases, the diffusion coefficient of the aggregate distribution pattern increases continuously. The uniform and random diffusion coefficient C Keep decreasing. There was no significant difference in the spatial distribution of citrus whitefly and its natural enemies when the number of basic quadrats was 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 and 1. The population aggregation of A. whitefly, λ, was mostly greater than 2, and its accumulation was caused by its own causes. When the population aggregation mean of the natural enemies and the citrus whitefly was positive, with the increase of the number of basic quadrats in the cluster, The average number is increasing. Using the ρ index of different sizes of citrus whitefly, the minimum range for determining the population aggregation is that there is one basic quadrat in the patch, that is, 1.7 m2 in this paper, which provides a scientific basis for determining the size of quadrats during sampling.