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社会主义市场经济体制的建立,既给企业党建工作注入了新的活力,同时也带来了新的问题。认真、研究和解决这些问题,是贯彻落实十四届四中全会精神,加强基层党的建设的首要任务。当前企业党建工作存在的主要问题及原因:1、对加强企业党建工作重要性认识不足。由厂长(经理)兼任党委(支部)书记的企业,客观上容易造成“一手硬一手软”的现象。其原因一是认为经济工作是硬指标,完成得好坏直接关系到企业承包人受奖受罚的问题;而党建工作是软任务,工作成效既不能立竿见影,又不易得到充分肯定。二是把党建工作与经济工作对立起来,担心开展党建活动,影响企业经济效益。三是以经济效益代替党建工作。在没有专职党委(支部)书记的企业,担心党委(支部)参与企业决策会引起党企摩擦,导致党政领导之间的矛盾,因而不敢参与,不想参与;有些则不愿或不敢抓党建工作,使党组织的正常活动不能及时开展或流于形式,变为“说起来重要,做起来次要,忙起来不要”的状况。2、基层党组织的战斗力不强。其表现:一是党员党性观念淡簿,为人民服务的思想树立得不牢,先锋 The establishment of a socialist market economic system not only injected new vitality into the party building in the enterprises, but also brought about new problems. To seriously study and solve these problems is the primary task of implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and strengthening the building of grassroots parties. The main problems and reasons for the current party building: 1. The lack of understanding of the importance of strengthening the party building in enterprises. By the director (manager) concurrently Party committee (branch) secretary of the enterprise, objectively easy to cause “one hand and one hand soft ” phenomenon. One of the reasons for this is that economic work is a hard target and the completion of good or bad is directly related to the problem of accepting and punishing business contractors. The party building work is a soft task and the effectiveness of the work can neither be immediately proved nor fully affirmed. Second, the party building work and economic work against each other, worried about carrying out party activities, affecting the economic efficiency of enterprises. Third, replace the party building with economic benefits. In the absence of full-time Party branch (branch) secretary of the enterprise, worried that party committees (branches) to participate in corporate decision-making will cause the friction between party and government, leading to conflicts between party and government leaders, and therefore not involved, do not want to participate; some are reluctant or afraid to catch Party building, so that the normal activities of the party can not be carried out in time or in the form of “become important, do it secondary, busy not” status. 2, grass-roots party organizations fighting is not strong. Its manifestations include: First, the ideology of party members and party with weak ideas and serving the people are not firmly established; pioneers
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