1938年5月19日是一个沉痛的日子,这一天徐州沦陷日本侵略军的手中.夜幕就在仍然充满血腥气味的战场徐徐落下,预示着攻占徐州的第一个夜晚来临.……拥挤在城内路上的我军将士迎来了入城后的第一人夜晚.” 一名日本战争地记者曾在《支那事变实记》中以胜利者的口吻描述了他们占领美丽的古城徐州的感受.徐州沦陷是徐州的耻辱,徐州人民永远不会忘记这段刻骨铭心的历史.翻开徐州市档案馆收藏的档案资料,我们重又看到了那段触目惊心的历史真实记录——-日本大正六年(1917年)2月,日本铁道部庶务科产生一份经济调查报告.内有一章“徐州概况”.徐州与日本既然无地理关系又无政治经济关系,两者风马牛不相及,作此举动说明日本在徐州沦陷21年前就进行了策划、准备,其灭亡中国,霸占徐州之心昭然若揭.
May 19, 1938 was a sore day when Xuzhou fell in the hands of the Japanese Invaders, and the darkness slowly fell on the still bloody battlefield, signaling the first night of capture of Xuzhou .... Crowded in the city Our military officers and soldiers on the road ushered in the first night after entering the city. “A Japanese war correspondent described the feelings of occupying the beautiful ancient city of Xuzhou in the victor of” Is the shame of Xuzhou, Xuzhou people will never forget this unforgettable history. Open Xuzhou archives archives, we again see that shocking historical record - Japan Taisho six years (1917 ) In February, the General Affairs Section of Japan’s Ministry of Railways produced an economic investigation report with a chapter entitled “Overview of Xuzhou.” Xuzhou and Japan, since they have no geography and no political and economic relations, do things in vain It shows that Japan planned and prepared 21 years ago in Xuzhou before its fall.