
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w313296304
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目的:了解浙江省基层医疗机构基本药物使用的相关情况及存在的主要问题。方法:按经济发展水平选取3个县(市、区),对社区卫生服务机构或乡镇卫生院医生开展现场问卷调查。结果:有65.1%的医生认为基本药物数量可以满足临床用药需求;认为基本药物制度对其医疗行为和用药习惯有影响的医生比例分别占71.9%和81.4%,基本药物实施后,认为向上级医院转诊患者人数增加和收入减少的比例分别占75.6%和68.5%。结论:浙江省基本药物数量基本可以满足临床用药需求,但仍存在不少问题。医生医疗用药行为改变,患者转向上级医疗机构;医生收入减少,工作积极性下降。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the related situation and the main problems in the use of essential medicines in primary medical institutions in Zhejiang Province. Methods: Three counties (cities and districts) were selected according to the level of economic development, and questionnaires were conducted on community health service agencies or township hospitals. Results: 65.1% of doctors think that the number of essential drugs can meet the demand of clinical medicine; 71.9% and 81.4% of the doctors think that the basic drug system has an impact on their medical behaviors and habits, respectively. After the implementation of basic drugs, The proportion of referral patients and income declines accounted for 75.6% and 68.5% respectively. Conclusion: The quantity of basic medicines in Zhejiang Province can basically meet the demand of clinical medication, but there are still many problems. Doctors changed the behavior of medical medication, patients turned to higher-level medical institutions; doctors reduce the income, work enthusiasm decreased.
Why do human beings produce tears in reponse to emotional stress? This question began to intrigue Dr. Frey in 1972. It wasn’t until 1979 that he had time and
Single phase crystalline cubic boron nitride(cBN)with high yield was prepared by hydrothermal route at low temperature,using hydrochloric acid(HCI)as the promot
0 省委宣传部。省教委、劳徽医科大学负责 同忘登台祝贺演出成功。 恬影 陈印相。王g交响音乐会在中医学院演出。中立者为指挥家叶志强。摄影 黄 讳在中国科技大学
摘要:本文从中小学每个班级都存在数学相对落后的学生这个现状出发,分三方面(心理因素,习惯因素,环境因素)分析了数学后进生存在的原因,叙述了作者在辅导数学后进学生的一些看法和措施。  关键词:数学学习;数学后进学生;心理;习惯    看每个中小学,几乎每个班级都存在数学成绩明显落后的学生。即使教师与家长采取了种种措施,却往往收效甚微,这让教师与家长十分苦恼。要彻底有效转变差生,使每个后进生能够学好数
1997年9月14日17时40分,我院中心氧房高压软管发生燃爆,造成双灵充装卡具及氧气瓶嘴2~5mm厚铜件烧残,操作工右手烧伤。 At 17:40, September 14, 1997, the high pressure o
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从正面拍摄起点是一幅任意的景象从这里推上去比方一条枝桠上透露的消息姑娘毛料裙下显现的情节我们把这叫做特写季节的规律本来就很逻辑比如充满画面的人群 From the fron