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  Camping is a fun and exciting experience. 36 Here are several suggestions for you to make a good preparation.
  Decide with whom you are camping. 37 However, if you are taking a group of small kids or a group of friends, read the next step carefully.
  Make sure you get insurance information and health information before you do anything else. If someone is injured on the trip, the insurance information will make a difference in the care they receive. 38 For example, you can’t pack peanut butter if your friend is allergic to it. If someone who is coming needs routine medicine, make sure they have it.
   39 Enough for three meals and an optional snack per day. Try not to pack too many bad food, like cheese, chicken, and milk. Basically, try to avoid daily products and meat, because they can make you sick if you eat them when they go bad. Also, remember to pack lots of water.
  Gather all of the other things on the“things you’ll need” list and try to pack them in a small bag. You can put smaller items in a backpack or rolling suitcase and the larger items like your sleeping bag can be carried in a garbage. 40
  A. Prepare kinds of tasty snacks.
  B. Pack a suitable amount of food.
  C. Health information is very important in planning the trip.
  D. If you are going camping, then it would be a good choice.
  E. But to stay organized and safe, you must prepare for the camp.
  F. If it is just you or your family, the next step is not quite as important.
  G. They are great for carrying and can be folded and put into a small space until needed.
  (河南省靈宝市第三高级中学 张云峰)
  There is something special about winter camping. In the winter you can see farther through the woods without leaves to block out the light, you can step onto frozen waterways, and spot winter migrant birds looking for seeds on the white-packed ground. 36 Below you’ll find a few suggestions for making your all-season camping trip more pleasurable.
   37 Dramatic winter storms can be dangerous with the threat of ice storms and freezing rain. Get your trip off to a good start by planning to go when the weather is calm and, ideally, clear. If you’ll be driving to your campsite, consider putting on snow tires or carrying tire chains.
  Next, turn your attention to packing your clothes. If you’ll be camping in snow, it’s important that your outer-most layer be something water and wind resistant. Below this top layer, be sure to dress in layers of wool and synthetic fibers(合成纤维). If you’re wearing layers, this warm air gets trapped next to your body, keeping your skin warm. 38   Ground cover is also important during winter camping. Damp ground and rocks(even dry ones)can take your heat away. 39 Tent campers will also want to store their water bottles inside the tent to keep the water from freezing completely at night.
  Once you’re well-dressed, with waterproof shoes on your feet, you’re ready to explore the wintry world. 40 And remember to bring lip balm(膏), sun glasses, and sun screen (yes, even in February)with you on your all-weather adventure.
  A. Do put your things in the tent.
  B. The more layers, the warmer you’ll be!
  C. How can you enjoy these precious experiences?
  D. Before you get started, be sure to check the weather report.
  E. The best way to enjoy these rare experiences is to go camping!
  F. So carry a piece of waterproof pad(墊)for enjoying picnics outside.
  G. Put a wool hat on your head to preserve your heat, then head for the camping!
  (广州市增城中学 李 渊)
  Martial arts(武术)are a hobby or a way to keep fit for many people. 36
  The story began with her grandfather. 37 Life was really tough in the 1950s, when people had to eat wild herbs to barely satisfy their hunger. Yet he never stopped practicing. Although living standards rose by the 1990s, martial arts went through a downturn. Many practitioners quit and looked for other ways to make a living. Hu Hanqing, however, always stayed true to his mission(使命).
   “My father said that martial arts are not just for competitions, or just for physical fitness or self-defense. Martial arts can totally change your life and help you overcome obstacles,”Hu Yashi’s father, Hu Jianping, said. 38 He believes that this is the way to acquire the spirit of martial arts, and that one has to keep working hard.
   39 Two years later, her father took her to the club and trained her just like anyone else. She was greatly supported by her devoted grandfather during college.“He taught me many types of martial arts.”said Hu Yashi.
  In 2015, when she considered quitting her bank job and opening a martial arts club back in her hometown of Changde City, central China’s Hunan Province, her grandpa was the first one to support her. 40 The legacy(遗产)is being passed on to more and more people.
  A. As a coach, he was very strict with his students.
  B. Hu Yashi’s club is to attract many teenage practitioners.
  C. Our passion for martial arts will never change with time.   D. Her grandparent Hu Hanqing, began to learn martial arts in his 20s.
  E. Influenced by her family, Hu Yashi began to practice at three years old.
  F. But for Hu Yashi and her family, they are their most precious spiritual wealth.
  G. Having practiced since childhood, Hu Yashi is actually the owner of a martial arts club.
  (四川省绵阳普明中学 刘宗华)
  Stress can boil over time, hit you like a sudden shake, or strike you out of the blue every so often. Here’s expert advice for controlling stress.
  Type of stress:Work
  Work-related stress causes ill health, reduced productivity, and poor motivation. 36 . Ways to fight work-related stress include physical activity. Commit to exercising, at least 30 minutes a day. This can be a walk during your lunch hour.
  Type of stress:Urban living
  The sounds, smells, and experience of urban living impact significantly upon two areas of the brain tasked with regulating emotion(情緒)and stress. 37 . But another more practical solution may be allowing your brain to take a much-needed vacation through meditation(冥想).
  If you can’t save a penny for retirement, or come up with cash to feed your kids, extreme stress is bound to occur. This type of stress can last long, resulting in depression, feelings of helplessness, and even heart disease or cancer. 39 . If unemployment is the issue, working with a non-profit employment counselor is a solid, first step. If you have some money in the bank but are living above your means, it can help to analyze your spending habits against your income.
  Type of stress:Life changes
   40 . But even minor events, such as moving can increase stress levels. While dealing with all types of stress is part of life, recognizing just how stressed out you are, and why, can be a good first step in dealing. You may not be able to change your stress-causing reality, but dealing with it is within your grasp.
  A. Type of stress: Money suffering
  B. Huge events can cause stress
  C. Type of stress:Surrounding anxiety
  D. It also increases on-the-job accidents
  E. It also helps to turn off the gossip machine
  F. Moving to more rural(乡村的)surroundings is one way to deal
  G. It is not easy to fix but does respond to positive lifestyle changes
  (广东省中山市中山纪念中学 吴建华)
  It’s amazing that you can learn while sleeping!Although scientists aren’t exactly sure how it works, they have discovered that the brain can take in things during sleeping. The following are three things deserving your try.   However, research found no evidence that benefits increase with greater amounts of running. 39 Running is an ideal activity for them. But it shouldn’t discourage those who enjoy running longer and more often. Even lasting running, for example every day or four hours a week, is beneficial to health.
  Nor do the benefits necessarily increase by running at high speeds. 40 So running at your own“most comfortable pace”is the best for your health.
  A. Running more is unnecessary.
  B. It is among the world’s most popular sports.
  C. Persons who form good habitshave lower risk.
  D. Running can significantly improve your health.
  E. Study found participation in running increased longevity.
  F. Runners obtain similar benefits from running at any speed.
  G. This is good news for those wanting to stay healthy but short of time.
  (湖南省藍山县第二中学 刘嫦云)
  Dengue fever is sometimes called“break-bone fever.”It produces intense(强烈的)pain in the muscles and jointsand behind the eyes. People get severe headaches. 36 However, most people recover, though some take a long time.
  Dengue is spread through the bite of infected(感染)mosquitoes. Four related viruses cause the disease. 37 Scientists at research centers around the world say they are making progress toward vaccines(疫苗)to protect against dengue fever. Robert Edelman at the University of Maryland is an expert in dengue vaccine research. 38
  Dengue is now found in more than one hundred countries. About forty percent of the world population is at risk. Southeast Asia and the western Pacific are the most seriously affected. But it also affects Africa, the eastern Mediterranean and the Americas. Doctor Edelman noted that in a severe outbreak this year in Brazil, so many people got sick that hospitals in Rio de Janeiro state had to close. 39 In Vietnam, health officials say patients have sometimes had to share hospital beds because of large numbers of cases.
   40 Venezuela, for example, reported more than eighty thousand cases last year.
  The W.H.O. says about two and one-half percent die. But people are more likely to die if they do not get help. For now, the W.H.O. says the only way to prevent the spread of dengue fever is to fight the mosquitoes that carry it.
  A. There are no cures.
  B. It was first recognized in the nineteen fifties.
  C. It strikes cities and rural areas mainly in warm, wet climates.   D. Recovery from one of them provides lifetime protection only against that virus.
  E. The W.H.O. says dengue is spreading to new areas and producing major outbreaks.
  F. The army set up field hospitals and doctors came from other areas to help treat those patients.
  G. He says at least two experimental vaccines have moved beyond laboratory tests and are now being tested in people.
  (廣州市番禺区石北中学 袁 瑾)
  On a quiet morning outside a library in Salt Lake City, a crowd of people are practicing the ancient martial art(武术)of tai chi.
   36 Many participants are homeless. In this class, the focus is less on mastering the exercise and more on building a community for transients(流动人员). People have said the class relieves their stress, encourages them to get up in the morning, and helps them to build a routine and make friends.
  The free program is run by a retired couple, Bernie and Marita Hart. Seventy-eight-year-old Bernie Hart says he found tai chi to be a comforting way to relax, practice balance and control movement. 37 Therefore, he and his wife started the classes three years ago. The couple had only one participant in their first class. Now, more than 50 people attend five days a week at the downtown library and Pioneer Park, where many homeless people gather together.
   38 Utah’s homeless population has steadily increased over the past three years, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  Eden Petersen has been attending the class for two years. 39 She was homeless before she moved into housing downtown about two years ago. It is this class that motivates her to take care of herself and gives her something to look forward to during the week.“ 40 It’s a circle of friends coming together to do something for themselves and for each other,”she says.
  A. There’s a clear need for such activities.
  B. What we’re doing here isn’t just tai chi.
  C. This isn’t a well-trained class of health enthusiasts(爱好者).
  D. He recently issued a plan to reduce homelessness in the state.
  E. He thought the exercise could help others find stability in their lives.
  F. The 32-year-old says the classes are the most peaceful part of her day.
  G. People gather at the library before the class begins, chatting about their week.
  (上海市新中高级中学 朱国祥)
  Lately, it feels like none of us are getting as much rest as we’d like. But when you don’t sleep well everything gets to you: you’re tired, you’re bad-tempered(脾气), your mind is confused. Everyone seems to be getting on your nerves. 36 The following are some helpful tips for better sleep.    37 A solid sleep routine will help your body to grow tired around your appointed bedtime and you won’t end up staring at the ceiling while counting a million sheep. Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour.
  It’s also important to avoid exposing to bright lights, including laptops and smartphones for about two hours before bedtime. 38 These small things should put you into the right state to sleep more easily.
  You’re not likely to get a lot of restful sleep if your bedroom is bright and noisy and your bed is uncomfortable. 39 As far as the bed goes, we suggest looking into some comfortable mattresses(床垫). The ideal mattress should be firm enough to offer you support. Also, it might seem like a good idea to get some big, fluffy(绒毛的)pillows.
  Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. In particular, avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours of bedtime. 40 Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol deserve caution, too. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can affect quality sleep. And though alcohol might make you feel sleepy, it can interrupt sleep later in the night.
  A. You could read books, listen to music or take a warm bath to calm your body and mind.
  B. You can get some heavy curtains to minimize outside light and noise.
  C. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  D. Avoid being active too close to bedtime.
  E. Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping.
  F. Your discomfort might keep you up.
  G. So, it’s important to sleep well.
  (广东省湛江市廉江中学 钟作岗)
  Let’s face it - sometimes it’s hard to find time to work out. Whether you’re on the road, at work, or at home, you can always find a few more ways to squeeze in exercise no matter what you’re doing. 36 Just train yourself to be on the lookout for ways to fit in a little fitness, and you’ll soon be getting the rewards.
  Walk if possible.
  As you go about your day, look for opportunities to walk. When you go to the store, purposefully park far away from the door so you can enjoy a nice walk on your way into the shop. 37 Split up your shopping list among your group and see how quickly you can each collect your items. If you’re shopping on your own, resist the urge to lean on your cart, and try to keep your pace up.
  Lift It.
   38 If the curls(卷)are easy, then do some more. Or, if you prefer, raise your arm over your head and lower your hand behind your head for some triceps(三頭肌)extensions.    39
  Playing with dogs, or by yourself is a great way to get a workout. The same goes for dancing, roller skating and ice skating, canoeing and kayaking, and games like tennis, ping pong, basketball, and softball. 40 Give it a try!You’ll get a surprising workout and have a lot of fun at the same time.
  A. Make use of playtime.
  B. Go skating with your dogs.
  C. The biggest change you have to make is in your attitude.
  D. If you like to play with a wifi, don’t just sit on the couch and watch.
  E. While you’re shopping, look for ways to turn it into a quick workout.
  F. Any time you find yourself with something weighty in your hands, give it a few curls.
  G. An isometric(肌肉运动)is a strength-building exercise you can do without weights or equipment.
  (湖北省黄石市第二高级中学 范华平)
  Many diseases and medical conditions are caused by things out of our control. To control and even prevent many of the risk factors that increase chances of dying, doctors urge us to eat healthy food, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. 36 And it is free and easy. Smile!
  Anand Chockalingam, a heart disease specialist at a Health Care Centre, advises his patients to smile.“When we smile, more positive chemicals are released(释放).”|Smiling is a first step in fighting physical and emotional stress. This is not just New Age advice. 37
  Researchers claim that when you feel stressed, your body releases many stress hormones that increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which can help you in danger. However, under great pressure over long periods, these hormones may make people unable to make the best decisions about life. They may overeat, smoke or drink too much alcohol. 38 And all of these can lead to health problems.
  A smile may be one way to help. Dr. Chockalingam tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish by smiling for seemingly no reason. 39 Nor is it invasive(侵襲的)like a surgical operation. It is free and has no bad side effects.
   40 This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, improves sugar levels in the blood. If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health problems. And it just may provide a little extra protection to everyone’s heart health.
  A. Life is smiling at us.
  B. But a smile does not contain drugs.   C. Smile can bring us many good things.
  D. Once people smile, they are relaxing.
  E. They may not get enough exercise or sleep.
  F. However, there is something else we can do.
  G. Several studies support his suggestion to smile more.
  (湖南省蓝山县第二中学 李 娜)
  It is important to clean cellphones regularly, because dirt, oil, make-up and germs(细菌)can build up on the phone through constant use. Not only does a clean cellphone look better, but it is also a good way to prevent us getting sick and having facial skin problems. 36
  To get a clean cellphone, you need to prepare a soft cloth, rubbing alcohol, cotton sticks and glass cleaner. 37 Besides, don’t use anything to clean it that can leave dust behind, such as tissues. When everything is ready, you can begin.
  Dip your soft cloth in rubbing alcohol and gently rub the case of the phone and the buttons. An effective method of cleaning the screen is to spray the cloth with glass cleaner and wipe the screen. 38 Use the cotton stick to clean the speakers as well. 39 A clean cellphone will last longer than the one that is blocked with dirt or oil.
  However, a cellphone can’t be permanently clean. To keep your phone clean, you should do the cleaning weekly or monthly. If you don’t have these items, using a disinfecting(消毒的) wipe will also get the job done. 40
  A. A cellphone plays an important role in our life.
  B. Never spray anything directly on your cellphone.
  C. These areas tend to trap dirt and affect the way your phone works.
  D. Although the cleaning is not complete, something is better than nothing.
  E. In some areas, your cellphone can not be connected because of poor signal.
  F. Following some simple steps will ensure a clean cellphone that is germ-free.
  G. Take a cotton stick dipped in rubbing alcohol and wipe the connectorson the phone.
  (深圳市布吉高级中学 郑秀娟)
  Scientists say that failure is an fundamental part for success. Think of a goal that you have set yourself. Whether academic, athletic or personal, the recipe for success is always the same. Factors(因素)like hard work, determination and luck all have a role to play. 36
  A new study, published in the Journal Nature, calls failure “fundamental condition”for success. To measure rates of success and failure, a team led by associate professor Dashun Wang in US analyzed three different data sets. The first set, for example, included more than 750,000 grant(撥款)applications made to the National Institutes of Health between 1985 and 2015. 37 They also found two key indicators for success or failure.   According to Wang’s research, determination only works if you learn from your previous failures.“You have to figure out what worked and what did not, and then focus on what needs to be improved instead of acting aimlessly and changing everything,”said Wang.
   38 The faster you failed, the better your chances of future success. But the more time between attempts, the more likely you are to fail again.
   As the paper explains, Wang and his team were able to identify these two key moments in each of the hundreds of thousands of undertakings they analyzed. 39 It is decided by learning from failures and failing faster, rather than traditional factors like luck or a person’s work habits.
   40 Remember Wang’s wise words:“Losing doesn’t mean you’re out of the game; those who stay in it may become the bigger future winners.”
  A. What if we added failure to the list?
  B. So as a so-called loser,don’t feel desperate(绝望).
  C. Another indicator is the reasons why you failed.
  D. Which one did you think was the most important?
  E. What the outcome of an effort depends on has been concluded.
  F. The second factor was the time between continuously failed attempts.
  G. Using them, the team found the number of failures for each grant application.
  (四川省達州市达州中学 张兴平)
  Body language is a form of nonverbal(非言语)communication. Learn about how to read body languageand find out what your gestures and movements are saying.
  Crossed arms
  Crossing your arms?Others may read crossed arms to mean you’re distant, insecure, anxious, or stubborn. 36 Experts point out that those who crossed their arms more likely to solve complex math problems than those who kept their hands on a table.
  Eye contact
  If you want to show you’re listening to them, make eye contact. But limit it.When given over 80 percent, the person you are communicating with will feel uncomfortable. The magic number? 37 Give them eye contact, then slightly glance away.
  Reaching for a handshake
   38 The custom of shaking hands dates from the Ancient Romans. Reaching first means that you believe you’re welcomed by the other person and they are happy to meet you. Imitating(仿效)a handshake to someone who might not be so welcomed to meet you could result in negative feelings towards you.
  Smiling often
  Making a habit out of smiling and laughing during conversations and interactions with others can result in positive outcomes. When smiling at another person, you can increasingly improve relationships with people around you. 39    40
  When you interlace(交错)your own fingers, this could be a sign of stress or discomfort. When something’s troubling us, we tend to interlace our fingers, and ... move our hands back and forth very slowly.
  A. Interlacing fingers.
  B. Moving your fingers.
  C. It willbe harmful to us.
  D. But they have their pluses, too.
  E. 60 percent , or a little more than half.
  F. Handshakes are a sign of trust and welcome.
  G. Evidence also shows thatlaughter build the immune(免疫)system.
  (陜西省汉中市宁强县第二中学 张文健)
  Technology helps you step into healthier lifestyle and benefit society
  Spring has arrived. Time again for the outdoors, and the following popular apps can help you put your best foot forward.
  This app focuses on helping people become better runners. Users can create and join running groups and make new friends. Setting targets is a popular function. 36 Those who achieve them may win prizes. It also offers handy tips on how to avoid injury, with some coaches sharing their knowledge.
  This app can track your performance and it offers running programs. 37 Users can also launch(发起)their own activities, inviting people in the same city to join them. For users who wish to engage in a variety of activities, the app provides other programs on building strength and muscles.
  This app includes WeChat Sports, which ranks steps of you and your friends each day. It also allows people to“like”the performance of their friends. 38 WeChat also has charity(慈善)programs, in which users can“donate steps”. Some cooperated(合作的)companies change these steps into actual amounts of money to donate to charity programs.
  This app has an Ant Forest, where users’steps are changed into actual energy to help tree planting. The energy needed for different trees varies. 39 A user who has saved enough energy can plant a real tree in dry areas, such as Alshaa League in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region. 40 .
  A. This app encourages users to“donate steps”as well.
  B. Users can share photos and videos on its social platform.
  C. Users can choose from a variety of activities to set goals.
  D. The number of steps has risen for three continuous years since 2016.
  E. Users can choose at most 10 friends to follow and see their daily activities.
  F. This app can count steps, and these can be converted into virtual coins the next day.
随着各地一模考试的结束,一轮复习也结束了。高三学子们已经在一个多学期中完成了对基础知识点的梳理,高考越来越临近,备考的气氛也愈发浓烈。一模过后,二轮复习开始提上日程。如何做好二轮复习,如何提高二轮复习的效率和质量,笔者提出几点看法,供考生们参考和借鉴。  2013年广东高考文科综合历史试题依旧突出主干知识,能力立意。试题在选材、情境、设问等方面突出历史学科自身的方法和思维能力,注重考查考生解读和分
2015年3月19日晚上11时,广东顺德和平外科医院,北滘五金厂车间主任、39岁的邓国林捂着下体被送进手显微外科。原来,他被前妻马晓丽用刀片从根部割断了命根,仅剩1厘米的皮肤相连。而前妻割断前夫命根的背后,是一个“作”到极致的“作女”“作”掉了幸福。  邓国林是四川泸州人,1998年,22岁的邓国林经人介绍认识了小他两岁的邻村姑娘马晓丽。马晓丽长得非常漂亮,邓国林一见倾心,两人相识两个月就闪婚了。
2014年8月16日,天津一小区发生命案:一位糖尿病妇女在家中自行注射胰岛素后意外身亡。警方随即介入调查,原来这起看似正常死亡的背后,竟隐藏着惊天谋杀!让人意外的是,罪恶渊薮竟源于死者丈夫的善意报恩……媒体曝光“双盲”恩情,善意回馈传佳话  2010年11月19日,家住天津市东丽区望景小区的宋刚,意外地接到了“爱心网”的电话:“请问5年前,您是否在天津血液病医院接受过干细胞移植手术?”宋刚答道:“
2014年10月2日,重庆市江津区发生一起恶性杀人案:蔬菜基地个体女老板,在与其丈夫刘凯的姐夫争执中,因不堪追打,从包里拿出小刀自卫,不幸刺死对方。女老板为何对姐夫血刃相向?惨案的背后掩埋着怎样的血腥走向? 情场失意之后:失婚女发奋图强   2012年3月的一天,几名气势汹汹的男女冲进重庆市江津区蔬菜批发基地,闯入蒋其芳的办公室,打头年过四旬的男子李立明指着蒋其芳问:“刘凯呢?快把他交出来跟我
滕玉娟与男友李洪福  为了理想与坚持,屈从于残酷现实,黑龙江女孩滕玉娟在大学毕业前,决绝地与低自己一级的男友李洪福分手,远赴京城逐梦,成为一名光鲜的女翻译。  直到有一天,还在远方校园里苦读的李洪福身患绝症,生命岌岌可危,滕玉娟这才惊觉,其实自己从未放下他。可此刻,一边是身为京城女翻译的荣耀,一边是回头望不见前路的艰辛,她会作何选择?绝症突袭前男友,逃匿高飞的心何处安放李洪福  2014年3月30
【诗歌与诗歌形象】  高尔基曾说过:“在诗歌作品中,第一位重要的是形象。”鉴赏古典诗歌亦当如是。的确,诗歌因形象思维尽显风流,诗人借诗歌形象抒情言志。形象是诗歌的基础,没有形象诗歌就没有办法表情达意。可以说只有准确把握诗歌形象,才能把握住诗人的感情脉搏,找出它暗示或启迪读者的意蕴。因此感受、理解、分析形象,是鉴赏诗歌的第一步。  【诗歌形象与高考】  把握诗歌的形象是感受诗情、领悟诗意的基本途径,
2019 年的高考題是在核心素养背景下命制的,突出了能力考查,突出了应用意识和创新意识的考查. 稳定中有变化,如题目顺序的变化——如全国Ⅰ卷的概率统计题原来在19题或20题的位置变为在21题的位置,导数从原来21题的位置变为20题的位置;稳定中有创新,如增加了对数字估值和近似值的考查. 知识点宽度明显拓宽,“遗漏”的知识技能再次呈现. 那些看似不考的内容被一部分教师和学生忽视,但这次给了这些师生们