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他的父亲是个瞎子,母亲也是瞎子且弱智,除了姐姐,几个弟弟都是瞎子。瞎眼的父亲和母亲只能当乞丐,住在乱坟的墓穴里,他一生下来就与死人作伴,能走路了就和父母起去乞讨。他九岁时,有人对他父亲说,你该让儿子去读书,要不他长大了还是要当乞丐,父亲就送他去读书。上学第天,老师看他脏得不成样子,给他洗了他生命中的第一次澡。为了供他读书,才13岁的姐姐就到妓院去卖身,照料瞎眼父母和弟妹的重担则落到了他小小的肩上。他从不缺一天课,每天一放学就去讨饭,讨饭回来就跪着喂父母。后来,他上了一所中学,竟然获得了个女同学的爱情。但未来的丈母娘说,天底下找不出像他家那样的一“窝”人,结果不仅把女儿锁在了家里,还用扁担把他打出了门。 His father is a nephew, and his mother is blind and mentally handicapped. Apart from her sister, several younger brothers are nephews. The blind father and mother can only be prostitutes and live in the tombs of chaos. He lives with the dead and can walk and jump up with his parents. When he was nine years old, someone said to his father that you should let your son go to school. If he grows up, he still has to be a prisoner. His father sends him to school. On the first day of school, the teacher saw him as dirty and gave him the first shower of his life. In order to study for him, the 13-year-old sister went to the brothel to sell herself, taking care of the burden of blinding parents and siblings on his small shoulders. He never missed a day of classes. He went to school every morning as soon as he left school. Later, he went to a middle school and even got the love of a female student. However, the future mother-in-law said that no one can find a “litter” like his family under the sun. As a result, he not only locked his daughter in the house, but also used the pole loader to drive him out the door.
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请用4个4及“+、-、×、÷、(?)”和小数点“.”列出算式,使其结果依次等于1~20的自然数.如(4—4~(1/4))+4÷4=3,4÷.4+4+4=18等.(答案在本期找) Please use 4 4 ​​and “
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