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马克思主义指出,唯物主义的自然观不过是对自然界本来面目的朴素的了解,不附加以任何外来的成份。作为主体反映客体的新闻传播工作,应取这种实事求是的态度和方法。在马克思和思格斯看来,新闻的客观性表现在:新闻反映的内容是客观发生过的事实,是对事实的客观的叙述。1845年,恩格斯要求撰稿人提供客观的报道时指出:撰稿人必须无情地把每一个压迫工人的事件提供舆论谴责,提供有关事件的有名有姓、有地点有时间的最确切的报道。这就是说,新闻的客观性要求新闻提供的是曾经切实发生过的事实,即每一个细节必须确凿无误。 Marxism points out that the materialist view of nature is nothing more than a simple understanding of the true nature of nature without any addition of foreign elements. As the main body to reflect the news media, we should take this kind of attitude and method of seeking truth from facts. In the view of Marx and Sigers, the objectivity of news manifests itself in the fact that the content reflected in the news is an objective reality and an objective account of the facts. In 1845, when asking writers for objective reporting, Engels pointed out that writers must mercilessly offer every public opinion condemnation for the incident of oppressing workers and provide the most accurate and timely reports of the affair and the place with time. This means that the objectivity of the news requires that the news provide what has actually happened, that every detail must be unmistakable.
本文详细地分析了装配机器人结构及其工作原理,总结了机器人顺应控制的实现问题,分析和比较各种实现方案的利弊,最后指出了装配机器人的努力方向。 This paper analyzes the st