Hybrid Micro-forming Processes and Quality Evaluation of Micro-double Gear

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:purplerain9112
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Micro-gear is an important actuating component used widely in the micro electro mechanical systems(MEMS) devices.The technologies of micro-forming and precision assembly are urgently developed to manufacture the micro-double gear with central shaft.In the paper,a novel hy-brid-forming process with two kinds of piercing method have been proposed to manufacture the micro-double gear using micro forming technology.The tests of hybrid forming process were carried out with two steps and the micro-double gear was successfully manufactured with good surface quality.The results also show that the hybrid micro-forming process with central piercing method can improve the defects of inclining shaft generated by double-ended piercing method.The quality evaluation of micro-double gear was conducted with surface roughness,micro-hardness and impact tests.The results show that the micro-double gear with good mechanical properties can meet the requirements of application for milli-machines. Micro-gear is an important actuating component used widely in the micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) devices. The technologies of micro-forming and precision assembly are urgently developed to manufacture the micro-double gear with central shaft. The paper, a novel hy-brid-forming process with two kinds of piercing method have been set to manufacture the micro-double gear using micro forming technology. the tests of hybrid forming process were carried out with two steps and the micro-double gear was successfully manufactured with good surface quality.The results also show that the hybrid micro-forming process with central piercing method can improve the defects of inclining shaft generated by double-ended piercing method. quality evaluation of micro-double gear was conducted with surface roughness, micro-hardness and impact tests. Results show that the micro-double gear with good mechanical properties can meet the requirements of application for milli-machines.
摘 要:在高中地理教学中,如何用好高考试题,深入挖掘其在教学过程中的价值,优化教学过程,科学复习和备考,这是本文章所要探讨的问题。  关键词:地理高考试题;解析;方法  【中图分类号】G633.55  用好高考试题,就必须研究高考试题,分析其命题意图、考查的能力及能级目标、情景设置、试题结构等,认真分析当这些要素发生变化时,试题的指向性、难易程度、开放程度将发生怎样的变化,在教学过程中灵活利用这些
目的:脊髓小脑性共济失调(Spinocerebellar ataxia,SCA)是一种常见的神经系统退行性疾病,其中SCA3亚型是我国最常见的亚型。其发病机制目前认为主要是致病基因编码区内CAG序列重复
【摘要】高考命题自有规律可找,从2008年江苏新高考改革后至今经过6年,相比前五年的试卷,对2013年江苏高考生物试卷做出初步的分析,对今后高三阶段的复习备考以及高一高二的课堂教学都有重要的指导意义。  【关键词】高考;生物学科;备考策略  【中图分类号】G630  江苏省生物高考自2008年开始实行等级评定,至今已走过6年,笔者结合前五年的江苏高考生物试卷,对2013年江苏高考生物试卷的特点,进
扬州职业大学是一所创办于1984年的普通高校,创办20多年来,学校始终坚持正确的办学指导思想和科学发展观,紧紧把握高等职业教育与地方社会经济发展最贴近、最直接、最紧密、服务性最强的特征,科学确定办学定位、专业定位和人才定位,形成了自己的办学特色。学校每年要向本地以及周边的长三角经济开发区培养输送大量的应用型技术与艺术人才,因此也可以说是这个地区经济发展的重要人才培养和战略储备基地。      办顺