Contractual or Legal Rules for Groups of Companies?

来源 :商事法论集 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong
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I.Introduction As a general rule,corporate law focuses on the single,independent corporation.In this basic“ideal”model that the legislator originally had in mind and which for many decades was in the center of academic discussion-in theory-all shareholders have the same interests-they want a stable,growing company and high returns on their investments.Of course,this model is far distant from reality.This already is true in the independent corporation where in the real world we frequently find investors with very differing aims and hopes for the company.It can be taken for granted that indeed all shareholders will be interested in high yields on their investments,but their time horizon might differ tremendously. I. Introduction As a general rule, corporate law focuses on the single, independent corporation.In this basic “ideal ” model that the legislator originally had in mind and which for many decades was in the center of academic discussion-in theory- all shareholders have the same interests-they want a stable, growing company and high returns on their investments .Of course, this model is far distant from reality.This already is true in the independent corporation where in the real world we frequently find investors with very differing aims and hopes for the company.It can be taken for granted that indeed all shareholders will be interested in high yields on their investments, but their time horizon might differ tremendously.
国家统计局发布新中国60周年系列报告。一连串的数据见证了新中国成立60年来,在旧中国满目疮痍的废墟上走出了一条中国特色社会主义道路,一个充满生机和活力的社会主义 Nati
江苏省系统工程学会于 2 0 0 1年 10月在江苏省盱眙县召开了以“迈入 2 1世纪的系统工程”为主题的第七届学术年会 ,会上交流论文 77篇 ,并出版了论文集。会后请专家、学者评
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中国企业应对“入世”主要是提高综合竞争力,从产品、市场、机制、创新、管理、技术、人才、环保、文化和班子十个方面完善自己,提高自身的竞争力。 Chinese enterprises sh