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2004年下半年,朝阳北路开通,整个区域的气氛就被烘托起来了。毫不夸张地说,青年路板块是离 CBD 非常近的区域,同时离京广、国贸也都非常方便。比起长安街以东,京通快速路、四惠地铁地区,青年路板块交通要顺畅的多。可以肯定,青年路这个区域,不是只留在一个“住”的基础上,而是对生活的品质有一定的要求。在 CBD 周边工作的人群中,高管、私企老板、职业经理人比较多。这些人在置业首选时,肯定会综合各种因素去考虑,青年路板块最终是值得分析和考虑的。分析青年路板块的热火朝天,原因有几点:主要一个是楼盘的放量,另一个是媒体炒作的力度也比较大。 In the second half of 2004, the opening of Chaoyang North Road opened the atmosphere in the whole region. It is no exaggeration to say that the Youth Road section is very close to the CBD area, while Beijing-Guangzhou and China World Trade Center are also very convenient. Compared to the east of Chang’an Avenue, Jingtong Expressway and Sihui Metro Area, traffic on the Youth Road should be smoother. It can be affirmed that this area of ​​Youth Road is not based on a “living” but has certain requirements on the quality of life. Of the people working around the CBD, there are more executives, private-sector employers and professional managers. When these people first choose their hometown, they will definitely consider various factors and the Youth Road section will ultimately be worth analyzing and considering. Analysis of the Youth Road plate in full swing, for several reasons: The main one is the heavy volume of real estate, the other is the intensity of the media hype is relatively large.
目的:通过分析65例2-14岁儿童鼻窦炎CT 影像,进一步了解儿童鼻窦炎病变性质、范围、并发症与年龄及窦口鼻道复合体的关系.方法:65例2-14岁儿童鼻窦炎患者行高分辨率CT 平扫及
近年来的调查表明,儿童行人事故是造成儿童死亡和伤残的主要原因。1982年英国5~9岁儿童有2700起行人事故是20—59岁成人事故的4倍多;1983年英国不满14岁儿童的事故45 371起,