
来源 :国外医学(耳鼻咽喉科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watersss1111
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软腭按功能分前、中、后三部分,中部与讲话有关,后部与吞咽有关。部分或全部切除软腭后可产生鼻音、吞咽困难及返流。5例分别位于软、硬腭及上颌骨粗隆、磨牙后区、咽侧壁的癌肿病人手术切除了同侧部分软胯,造成软腮缺损。根据悬雍垂跨咽成形术原则,以含有肌纤维的腰... Soft palate according to function points before, during and after the three parts, the middle and speech related to the rear and swallowing. Partial or total removal of the soft palate can produce nasal sounds, difficulty swallowing and reflux. Five cases of soft hips, located in the soft and hard palate, the maxillary trochanter, the posterior area of ​​molars, and the pharyngeal side of the pharynx, were surgically removed from the ipsilateral part of the soft hips, resulting in defects of the soft gills. According to the principle of uvula cross pharyngoplasty, with muscle fiber to the waist ...
Parallel calculational methods were used to analyze incompressible turbulent flow through hydraulic machinery. Two parallel methods were used to simulate the c
2009年5月18日,世界领先的热流道系统制造商圣万提注塑工业(Synventive Molding Solutions)参加了在中国广州举办的第23届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会,并在该展览会 On May
Two new isosteroid alkaloids, named pengbeimine A and pengbeimine C, were isolated from the fresh bulbs of Fritillaria monatha Migo. Their structures were deter
吲哚青绿脉络膜血管造影Ⅲ.技术新进展陈有信,董方田综述张承芬审校(上接1994年第10卷第4期第256页)1吲哚青绿脉络膜血管录像造影(indocyaninegreenchoroidalvideoangiography)[1,2]80年代,录相技术日... Indocyanine green choroidal angiograp
患儿男性,13岁.因咽痛6 d伴高热3 d入院.体检:血压85/60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),体温37℃,呼吸28次/min.急性病容,神志清楚,精神极度疲软,因咽部剧痛致言语不清.双侧扁桃体充血肿大,波及软腭、咽后壁,表面覆盖白色分泌物,触之易脱落、出血;双侧颈部亦对称性肿大并累及腮部,触之有波动感,以左侧为甚.双肺呼吸音清,心界不大,心音低钝,心率60次/min,心律