Coupler conditioning and high power testing of ADS Spoke cavity

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelasun
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Power couplers,used in China-ADS proton linac injector I,are required to transfer 6 kW RF power to the superconducting Spoke cavities.At present,first the two couplers of a coaxial design have been fabricated,which accomplished a high power test at IHEP.The test results indicated that couplers of this design are qualified to deliver10 kW RF power in continuous travelling wave mode.This paper describes the coupler’s room temperature test procedures and results and discusses the original high power test,which was terminated due to serious out-gassing and after some modifications.In the final test,the couplers smoothly exceeded the design power level. Power couplers, used in China-ADS proton linac injector I, are required to transfer 6 kW RF power to the superconducting Spoke cavities. At present, first the two couplers of a coaxial design have been fabricated, which achieved a high power test at IHEP The test results indicated that couplers of this design are qualified to deliver 10 kW RF power in continuous traveling wave mode. This paper describes the coupler’s room temperature test procedures and results and discusses the original high power test, which was terminated due to serious out- gassing and after some modifications.In the final test, the couplers exceeding exceeded the design power level.
摘 要:在新课程实施的十几个年头中,小学数学的教学模式发生了重大转变。小组合作学习已逐步运用到教学实践当中。在运用过程中,为了避免小组合作流于形式,教师必须根据教学内容、学生认知水平,发挥其扬长避短、集思广益的教学优势。真正使小组合作学习在小学数学教学中发挥出应有的作用。  关键词:小学数学;小组合作学习;策略  根据新课程标准的教学理念要求,数学教师应当遵循学生的学习心理和认知规律,创设贴近学生
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