引汉济渭 惠泽三秦

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2017年8月8日至12日,陕西省音乐家协会组织省内12位词曲作家,走进引汉济渭工地进行采风创作。带队采风的省音协主席尚飞林说,引汉济渭工程作为陕西有史以来最大的调水工程,具有着独特的文化内涵和文化潜力,非常值得词曲作家们深入挖掘。陕西音乐家们先期到达穿越98.3公里的秦岭引水隧洞出口,后面又走进了地下一千多米深处的隧洞,体会了一线工人的辛苦,同他们一样感受了高温、潮湿与粉尘。大家深切地感受到那些普普通通的生命,才是创造历史真正的英雄。引汉济渭工程地跨黄河、长江两大流域。主要是将长江流域汉 From August 8 to 12, 2017, the Shaanxi Provincial Musicians Association organized 12 songwriters in the province to work on the site of Hanwei and Weifang for the collection of folk songs. Says Shang Feilin, the director of the province-based audio co-ordination team that led the gathering: Han Jianwei Project, as the largest water diversion project in Shaanxi Province, has unique cultural connotations and cultural potentials. It is worth the digging of songwriters. Shaanxi musicians arrived at the Qinling Diversion Tunnel exit, which traversed a distance of 98.3 kilometers, and then walked into the tunnel more than 1,000 meters underground to experience the hard work of front-line workers and feel the same heat, humidity and dust as theirs. Everyone deeply feels that ordinary life is the real hero of history. Han Wei Han lead engineering across the Yellow River, the Yangtze River two basins. Mainly the Yangtze River Valley Han
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