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全国各级广播电视媒体迅速行动,第一时间组织报道人员伤亡、受灾情况,通报伤员转移救治、电力抢通等最新救灾进展,发布寻亲、求助信息,及时、准确地回应了群众关切,为稳定民心、积聚力量发挥了重要作用。6月23日,江苏省部分地区突发严重的自然灾害,全国各级广播电视媒体迅速反应,进行了持续性的新闻报道,并及时发布更新相关信息,为稳定民心、积聚力量发挥了重要作用。6月23日下午,江苏省盐城市阜宁县、射阳县部分地区突发龙卷风冰雹严重灾害。灾害发生后,党中央、国务院高度重视,习近平、李克强作出重要指示,要求全力组织抢救受伤人员,最大限度减少人员伤亡,并做好遇难人 Radio and television media at all levels in the country acted swiftly to report on the latest casualty and disaster situations, information on casualties, the transfer of treatment to casualties, the latest power-relief and other relief efforts, the release of information on finding relatives and asking for help and promptly and accurately responding to the masses’ concerns. Stabilizing the people and building up strength have played an important role. On June 23, sudden natural catastrophes in some areas of Jiangsu Province caused rapid response from radio and television media at all levels in China, carried out continuous news reports and timely release of updated relevant information, playing an important role in stabilizing the people’s hearts and accumulating forces . On the afternoon of June 23, a serious tornado and hail disaster hit parts of Funing County and Sheyang County in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. After the disaster, the Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, making important instructions on how to organize the rescue of the wounded, minimize the casualties and make the victims well
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