National Zoo Says Close to Getting New Pandas

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我国赠送给美国的两只“国宝”大熊猫已经在华盛顿动物园先后逝世。它们被誉为the stars of the zoo,为了填补stars的空缺,美方急于向我国借两只熊猫。本文讲的就是这件事。本文除了一些很有意思的信息外,文章的若干措辞与表达很值得我们咀嚼。比如: 华盛顿国家动物园的主任Michael Robinson为借熊猫一事出力不少,他戏称自己:It’s really quite remarkable. I’m happy as a tick in a mattress. mattress的意思是“床垫”,tick的含义是“垫套”、“褥套”。To be happy as a tick in a mattress在英语成语词典中尚不见其踪影,不知此词是否是Michael Robinson的杜撰。 The pandas are a huge crowd-puller at the National Zoo.一句中的名词crowdpuller用得妙绝。crowd-puller的含义逼真生动,指能够成功吸引人群的事物。另如:the biggest crowd puller is the “singles weekend” at a nearby resort.(最吸引人的事是在附近一个胜地举办的“单身男女的周末”。) Combining conservation efforts in the wild with the exhibition of endangered species like giant pandas underscores(强调)the new direction of modern zoos.读者也许对此句理解小有困难。我们提供的译文如下: 把对濒危动物(如大熊猫)的? Two “national treasures” giant pandas donated to the United States by China have already passed away at the Washington Zoo. They are known as the stars of the zoo. In order to fill the void of the stars, the US eagerly borrows two pandas from China. This article is about this matter. In addition to some very interesting information in this article, some words and expressions of the article are worth our chewing. For example: Michael Robinson, director of the National Zoo in Washington, made a lot of efforts to borrow a panda. He called himself: It’s really quite remarkable. I’m happy as a tick in a mattress. The mattress means “mattress”. The meaning of tick is “Cushion cover”, “cock cover.” To be happy as a tick in a mattress is not seen in the English Idiom Dictionary, I do not know whether this word is the inventor of Michael Robinson. The pandas are a huge crowd-puller at the National Zoo. The noun crowdpuller used in the sentence is wonderful. The meaning of crowd-puller is vivid and vivid, referring to things that can successfully attract people. Another example is: the biggest crowd puller is the “singles weekend” at a nearby resort. (The most attractive thing is the “single men and women’s weekend” held in a nearby resort.) Combining conservation efforts in the wild with the exhibition Of endangered species like giant pandas underscores (emphasis) the new direction of modern zoos. The reader may have little difficulty in understanding this sentence. The translations we provide are as follows: What about the endangered animals (such as giant pandas)?
一、词汇:A.按要求写出下列各词相应形式。1.hit(过去式) 2.far(最高级)3.tomato(复数) 4.begin(名词)5.we(反身代词) 6.above(反义词)7.friend(形容词) 8.easy(副词)9.l
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本刊欢迎顾中煊同志通过email向本刊投稿,对本刊提出意见。他对本刊今年第五期对I’m happy as a tick in a mattress所作的说明提出了自己的看法。认为其中的名词tick的含义
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