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科学课堂是培养学生创造能力的摇篮。“科学”对于小学生来说是陌生而神秘的,如果教师能够切实有效地把教材内容转化为贴近小学生生活的实际内容,并能够从小学生的生活中挖掘有价值的素材,生成教学内容,让学生去经历、去探究,学生自然会体验和感受这些内容对自己生活的意义发现和认识周围世界的神奇,体会和领悟到科学就在身边,大大缩短学生与科学之间的距离,为学生能积极投入科学学习奠定良好的基础。老师在教学中不能完全依赖于教师用书,不同教师有不同的特点,上课的风格也不一样,同一个教案不可能适合所有的老师;再就是地区不同坏境不一样,学生与学生之间也有很大差别,接受能力也不同。每节课的教学内容不同,采用的教学方法也不相同,针对不同的课,选择不同的方法,以新课程理念为指导,不拘泥于教学模式,勇于创新,逐步整合,形成自己独 Science classroom is to train students to create the cradle. Science can be strange and mysterious to primary school students. If teachers can effectively and effectively translate teaching materials into actual contents close to pupils ’lives and can excavate valuable materials from pupils’ lives and generate teaching contents, Let students go through experience, to explore, students will naturally experience and feel the significance of these contents on their own lives Find and understand the magic of the world around, experience and understanding of science around, greatly reducing the distance between students and science, for students To actively invest in science to lay a good foundation. Teachers in teaching can not be completely dependent on the teacher’s book, different teachers have different characteristics, the style of the classroom is not the same, the same lesson plans can not be suitable for all teachers; then there is a difference between the different areas of the environment, students and students also have Very different, different ability to accept. Each lesson has different teaching content and different teaching methods. According to the different courses, different methods are chosen. Under the instruction of the new curriculum concept, students are not subject to the teaching mode, are brave in innovation, and gradually integrate to form their own
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