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中国石化销售有限公司广东梅州石油分公司(以下简称梅州石油分公司)根据总部和省公司的统一要求,结合自身实际,严抓“从严管理年”活动,2014年上半年取得了阶段性成效,不仅这项活动开展得有声有色,而且对带动公司其他各项工作也大有裨益。确定具有震撼力的活动口号2014年集团公司提出了“深刻吸取‘11·22’事故教训,全面开展从严管理年活动”的要求,省公司也提出了开展“从严管理暨提升服务年活动”的要求。为了从青岛“11·22”、东莞“3·3”事故中吸取教训,梅州石油分公司 According to the unified requirements of headquarters and provincial companies, China Meizhou Petroleum Branch Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Meizhou Petroleum Branch) made its first half of 2014 in accordance with its own actual conditions and stringent “strict management year” activities The effectiveness of this activity is not only impressive but also conducive to other aspects of the company. Determine the slogan of a dynamic slogan In 2014, the group company put forward the requirement of “profoundly drawing lessons from the 11 · 22 accident and fully carrying out the year of strict management”, and the provincial company also proposed to carry out “strict management and promotion Service year activities ”requirements. In order to learn from the accident in Qingdao “11 · 22”, Dongguan “3.3” accident, Meizhou Petroleum Branch
近年来我院收治 40余例慢性苯中毒致再生障碍性贫血(再障 )患者 ,在治疗中出现一些严重并发症 ,且再障本身也可出现严重并发症。两者均可导致患者死亡或遗留终生残疾。现将有
C8-Alkyl-substituted purine analogues were synthesized through direct alkylation of 8-H purine with tetrahydrofuran in the presence of Co catalyst in one step.
B←N coordination bond can be used to develop polymer electron acceptors for efficient all-polymer solar cells(all-PSCs). Here, we report a new alternating conj
K_3B_6O_(10)Cl(KBOC), a new nonlinear optical crystal, shows potential advantages for the generation of deep ultraviolet(UV) light compared with other borate cr
糖尿病足是糖尿病常见慢性且严重并发症之一 ,是引起糖尿病患者致残 ,生命质量下降的常见原因。我科自 2 0 0 3年 5月至 2 0 0 3年 9月用外用重组人表皮生长因子衍物 (rhEGF
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Perylene bisimide(PBI) unit has been widely used to design conjugated materials, which can be used as electron acceptor in organic solar cells due to its strong