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课本剧因其喜闻乐见的形式而受到学生的欢迎。由课本剧而来的审美经验还会对学生产生一些间接的或较深远的效果:一是认识美和鉴赏美的能力得到提高,二是情感生活的丰富。鉴赏美的能力,在一定意义上与后天的学习有关。学生在中学阶段对课本剧的审美经验多次或较频繁发生,他的直觉美、发现美或鉴赏美的能力便会大大提高。调查表明,绝大多数学生愿意在语文课堂上欣赏本班同学表演的课本剧,并有大部分同学对参加表演跃跃 Textbooks are welcomed by students because of their favorite forms. The aesthetic experience from the textbook drama will have some indirect or far-reaching effects on the students. First, the ability to recognize and appreciate the beauty is enhanced. The second is the enrichment of emotional life. The ability to appreciate the United States, in a certain sense, is related to the acquired knowledge. Students in the secondary stage of the textbook drama experience many times or more frequently, his intuitive beauty, the discovery of beauty or the ability to appreciate the United States will be greatly enhanced. Survey shows that the vast majority of students are willing to enjoy class textbooks performed by their classmates in the language class, and most of the students leap into performing
案例描述教学内容背景描述:2014年11月12日,沙家浜中心小学与石梅小学开展校际高年级新教材阅读教学研讨活动。笔者执教了6A Unit 5 Signs(story time)一课后,两校之间进行一
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目的 筛选和鉴定日本血吸虫特异性抗原基因。方法 采用日本血吸虫病流行区对再感染具有抵抗力的个体混合血清 ,对 Sjc DNA文库进行免疫学筛选 ,对获得的阳性克隆 c DNA插入