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  【点拨】把肯定句改为否定句时,有两种情况:若句中的谓语动词是be动词或含情态动词,则直接在be动词、情态动词后加not; 若句中的谓语动词是实义动词,则要在动词原形前加don’t(doesn’t)。当句中含有some 时,通常要把some 改为any。
  注意:and 转换为or的情况。
   1. I am in Class Two.
   I ____ ____ in Class Two.
   2. His brother’s name’s Tim.
   His ____ ____ ____ Tim.
   3. These are black bags.
   These ____ black bags.
   4. I can speak English well.
   I ____ ____ English well.
   5. Bill can sing and dance well.
   Bill ____ sing ____ dance well.
   6. My sister has a new backpack.
   My sister ____ ____ a new backpack.
   7. They have a big house.
   They ____ ____ a big house.
   8. Amy has lunch at home.
   Amy ____ ____ lunch at home.
   9. Mary likes playing baseball.
   Mary ____ ____ playing baseball.
  10. We want to go to a movie on Sunday.
   We ____ ____ to go to a movie on Sunday.
  11. That sounds great.
   That ____ ____ great.
  12. He thinks English is an interesting subject.
   He ____ ____ English ____ an interesting subject.
  13. They go to school by bus.
   They ____ ____ to school by bus.
  14. Lily does her homework after dinner.
   Lily ____ ____ her homework after dinner.
  15. My father watches TV in the evening.
   My father ____ ____ TV in the evening.
  【点拨】把陈述句改为一般疑问句时,应仔细分析句中谓语动词的特点,若谓语动词是be动词或含情态动词,只需将它们移至句首,首字母大写;若谓语动词为实义动词,要在句首加助动词do(does), 且实义动词变为其原形,句末要用问号。
  注意:①句中如有some, 通常要将其改为any; ②人称应作相应变化。
   1. I’m eleven this year.
   ____ ____ eleven this year?
   2. That’s an English car.
   ____ ____ an English car?
   3. Linda is an American girl.
   ____ ____ an American girl?
   4. These are your books.
   ____ ____ your books?
   5. The little boy can swim.
   ____ the little boy ____?
   6. Dave has a nice tennis racket.
   ____ Dave ____ a nice tennis racket?
   7. I have a basketball.
   ____ ____ ____ a basketball?
   8. They have hamburgers every morning.
   ____ they ____ hamburgers every morning?
   9. Mike plays computer games on weekends.
   ____ Mike ____ computer games on weekends?
  10. Kate often goes swimming with her brother.
   ____ Kate ____ ____ swimming with her brother?
  11. Tina needs a new bike.
   ____ Tina ____ a new bike?
  12. Mary and her sister like thrillers.
   ____ Mary and her sister ____ thrillers?
  13. Joe likes math best.
   ____ Joe ____ math best?
  14. The first class starts at 7:30 every morning.
   ____ the first class ____ at 7:30 every morning?
  15. The two students want to be teachers.
   ____ the two students ____ to be teachers?
  ②划线部分表示年龄时,常用how old提问。
  ④划线部分是表数量(价格)时,常用how many(how much)提问。
  ⑤划线部分表示时间时,常用when或what time提问。
  ⑥划线部分是表示人的词语时,常用who 提问。
   1. Her sweater is yellow.
   ____ ____ is her sweater?
   2. I get up at six in the morning.
   ____ ____ do you get up in the morning?
   3. I have five good friends.
   ____ ____ good friends do you have?
   4. My pencils are in my bag.
   ____ are your pencils?
   5. Tom isn’t here today.
   ____ isn’t here today?
   6. The boy is under the tree.
   ____ is the boy?
   7. My sister is thirteen.
   ____ ____ is your sister?
   8. That’s his pen.
   ____ ____ is that?
   9. My sister’s name is Emma.
   ____ is your sister’s name?
  10. These are Lucy’s white shoes.
   ____ white shoes are these?
  11. My mother’s birthday is May 3rd.
   ____ is ____ mother’s birthday?
  12. Her favorite subject is math.
   ____ her favorite subject?
  13. My dictionary is 3 dollars.
   ____ ____ is your dictionary?
  14. She likes music because it’s fun.
   ____ ____ she ____ music?
  15. We have bread and milk for breakfast.
   ____ ____ you ____ for breakfast?
   1. They are cars. (用bus改写)
   2. My pants are red. (用blue改写)
   3. His bike is new. (用old 改写)
   4. Tony has a big family. (用small 改写)
   5. Is your father a teacher? (用doctor改写)
   1. Let us look at your new blouse.
   Let us ____ ____ ____ ____ your new blouse.
   2. Is your brother in?
   Is your brother ____ ____?
   3. My uncle is young.
   My uncle isn’t ____.
   4. It’s seven-thirty.
   It’s ____ ____ seven.
   5. Our classroom isn’t small, and it’s new.
   Our classroom is ____ ____ ____.
   6. We aren’t in the same class.
   We ____ in ____ ____.
   7. I am Jim Green.
   ____ ____ is Jim Green.
   8. Those are red apples.
   ____ ____ are ____.
   9. Li Ming and Danny are playing football.
   Li Ming ____ playing football ____Danny.
  10. It’s time for breakfast.
   It’s time ____ ____ breakfast.
  11. What’s English for this?
   What’s ____ ____ English?
  12. What time is it now?
   ____ the ____ now?
   1. 王老师, 下午好!
   ____ ____, Miss Wang!
   2. “那是他的背包吗?” “不,是的。”
   ——____ ____ his backpack?
   ——No, ____ ____.
   3. 这个用英语怎么说?
   ____ this ____ English?
   4. 你是怎样拼写“钢笔”这个词的?
   ____ ____ you ____ pen?
   5. “他是你的弟弟吗?” “是的。”
   ——____ he your ____?
   ——Yes, ____ ____.
   6. “你的鞋是什么颜色的?” “白色的。”
   ——____ ____ ____ your shoes?
   ——____ white.
   7. 你妈妈好吗?
   ____ ____ your mother?
   8. “我的钥匙在哪儿?” “在沙发上。”
   ——____ ____ my keys?
   ——____ ____ the sofa.
   9. 你的棒球在椅子下面。
   Your baseball ____ ____ the chair.
  10. 请把这本数学书拿给你弟弟。
   Please ____ the ____ book ____ your brother.
  11. 你能把你的词典拿到学校来吗?
   Can you ____ your dictionary ____ school?
  12. “你的尺子在哪儿?” “我不知道。”
   ——____ ____ your ruler?
   ——I ____ ____.
  13. “你喜欢香蕉吗?” “不喜欢。”
   ——____ you ____ bananas?
   ——No, I ____.
  14. 她不喜欢冰淇淋。
   She ____ ____ ice cream.
  15. “他喜欢沙拉吗?” “是的, 他喜欢。”
   ——____ he ____ salad?
   ——Yes, he ____.
  16. 汤姆吃很多健康食物。
   Tom eats ____ ____ ____ food.
  17. 我们晚饭喜欢吃米饭。
   We like rice ____ ____.
  18. “这些袜子多少钱。” “两美元。”
   ——____ ____ ____ these socks?
   ——____ $2.
  19. 这件T恤衫8美元。
   This T-shirt ____ 8 ____.
  20. 你想要什么颜色的裙子?
   ____ ____ skirt ____ you want?
  21. “你爸爸有只网球拍吗?” “是的,他有。”
   ——____ your father ____ a tennis racket?
   ——Yes, he ____.
  22. “我们下棋吧。” “那听起来有趣。”
   ——Let’s ____ ____.
   ——That ____ ____.
  23. 她不喜欢西红柿和胡萝卜。
   She doesn’t like ____ ____ carrots.
  24. 他喜欢踢足球, 但不喜欢打篮球。
   He ____ soccer, ____ ____ ____ basketball.
  25. “很感谢你的帮忙。” “不用客气。”
   ——Thank you ____ your help.
   ——You’re ____.
  26. 这些短裤以10美元的价格出售。
   These shorts are ____ ____ for $10.
  27. “你妈妈的生日是什么时候?” “二月十五日。”
   ——____ ____ your ____ birthday?
   ——____ February 15th.
  28. “他们有艺术节吗?” “不, 没有。”
   ——____ they ____ an Art Festival?
   ——No, ____ ____.
  29. 杰夫的生日是九月五日。
   ____ birthday is ____ 5th.
  30. “我的闹钟在抽屉里吗?” “不, 不在。”
   ——____ my alarm clock ____ the drawer?
   ——No, ____ ____.
  31. “你想去看电影吗?” “是的,我想看部喜剧片。”
   ——Do you want ____ ____ ____ ____?
   ——Yes. I want ____ ____ a comedy.
  32. 他喜欢哪种类型的电影?
   ____ ____ ____ ____ does he like?
  33. 辛蒂不喜欢动作片, 但她喜欢记录片。
   Cindy ____ ____ action movies, ____ she ____ documentaries.
  34. 她认为他不会画画。
   She ____ he ____ paint.
  35. 周末你爸爸经常做什么?
   ____ ____ your father ____ ____ on weekends?
  36. “你会游泳吗?” “不, 我不会。”
   ——____ you swim?
   ——No, I ____.
  37. 维克多想参加什么俱乐部?
   ____ ____ does Victor want ____ ____?
  38. 你能帮我学英语吗?
   Can you ____ ____ ____ my English?
  39. 比尔会弹吉他, 但不会唱歌。
   Bill can ____ ____ ____, ____ he ____ sing.
  40. 我们有红的、绿的和黄的这几种颜色的包, 20元一个。
   We have bags ____ red, green, and yellow for ¥20 ____.
  41. 他妈妈通常七点钟到家。
   His mother usually ____ ____ ____ 7:00.
  42. 请尽快给我写信。
   Please ____ ____ ____.
  43. 谢谢你能给我写信。
   ____ ____your letter.
  44. 她每天在家吃早饭。
   She ____ ____ at home every day.
  45. 我们星期三有体育课。
   We ____ P.E. ____ ____.
  46. 保罗早上大约七点到学校。
   Paul ____ ____ school ____ ____ 7:00 am.
  47. 他喜欢美术是因为它有趣。
   He ____ art ____ ____ fun.
  48. 比尔放学后打两个小时的排球。
   Bill ____ volleyball ____ two hours ____ ____.
  49. 我喜欢和我的小狗玩。
   I like ____ ____ ____ my dog.
  50. 我们的英语老师对我们要求非常严格。
   Our English teacher ____ very ____ with us.
  [Key:一、1.am not 2.brother’s name isn’t 3.aren’t 4.can’t speak 5.can’t; or 6.doesn’t have/has not 7.don’t have/have not 8.doesn’t have 9.doesn’t like 10.don’t want 11.doesn’t sound 12.doesn’t think; is 13.don’t go 14.doesn’t do 15.doesn’t watch 二、1.Are you 2.Is that 3.Is Linda 4.Are these 5.Can; swim 6.Does; have 7.Do you have 8.Do; have 9.Does; play 10.Does; often go 11.Does; need 12.Do; like 13.Does; like 14.Does; start 15.Do; want 三、1.What color 2.What time 3.How many 4.Where 5.Who 6.Where 7.How old 8.Whose pen 9.What 10.Whose 11.When; your 12.What’s 13.How much 14.Why does; like 15.What do; have 四、1. Are they cars or buses? 2.Are your pants red or blue? 3.Is his bike new or old? 4.Does Tony have a big or a small family? 5.Is your father a teacher or a doctor? 五、1. have a look at 2.at home 3.old 4.half past 5.big and new 6.are; different classes 7.My name 8.Those apples; red 9.is; with 10.to have 11.this in 12.What’s; time 六、1.Good afternoon 2.Is that; it isn’t 3.What’s; in 4.How do; spell 5.Is; brother; he is 6.What color are; They’re 7.How is 8.Where are; They’re on 9.is under 10.take; math; to 11.bring; to 12.Where is; don’t know 13.Do; like; don’t 14.doesn’t like 15.Does; like; does 16.lots of healthy 17.for supper 18.How much are; They’re 19.is; dollars 20.What color; do 21.Does; have; does 22.play chess; sounds interesting 23.tomatoes or 24.likes; but doesn’t like 25.for; welcome 26.on sale 27.When is; mother’s; It’s 28.Do; have; they don’t 29.Jeff’s; September 30.Is; in; it isn’t 31.to go to movies; to see 32.What kind of movies 33.doesn’t like; but; likes 34.thinks; can’t 35.What does; often do 36.Can; can’t 37.What club; to join38.help me with 39.play the guitar; but; can’t 40.in; each 41.gets home at 42.write me soon 43.Thanks for 44.has/eats breakfast 45.have; on Wednesday/Wednesdays 46.gets to; at around/about 47.likes; because it’s 48.plays; for; after school 49.to play with 50.is; strict]
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