
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xichblueagle
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目的分析广西大化瑶族自治县近几年手足口病的流行病学特征,为当地的防治策略制定提供依据。方法收集该县2008~2011年各医疗卫生单位全部手足口病病例疫情报告,采用Excel软件进行统计分析。结果该县4年中共诊治手足口病病例1 029例,2011年发生1例一岁男童死亡病例。2008-2011年年均人群发病率为60.69/10万,但病例数波动较大在13.08~106.70/10万之间。4岁以下幼儿病例,占95.34%,其中1岁幼儿病例数达到高峰,占43.83%,散居儿童病例占总病例的90.18%,病例数男女比为1.97:1。该县全年每月均有病例报道,流行季节在4-7月份,全县16个乡(镇)均有病例报道。EV71占11.11%,CoxA16占22.22%和HEV占66.67%。结论该县手足口病患者数在过去的4年中波动较大,除进一步加强该病防治的同时,还应加强该县手足口病病毒种型鉴定。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in Guangxi Dahua Yao Autonomous County in recent years and provide basis for local prevention and treatment strategies. Methods The epidemic situation of hand, foot and mouth disease of all medical and health units in the county from 2008 to 2011 was collected and analyzed by Excel software. Results A total of 1 029 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease were diagnosed and treated in this county in 4 years. One case of one-year-old boy died in 2011. The average annual population incidence in 2008-2011 was 60.69 / 100000, but the number of cases fluctuated between 13.08 and 106.70 / 100000. The number of children under 4 years of age accounted for 95.34%, of which 1 year old children reached the peak, accounting for 43.83%, scattered children accounted for 90.18% of the total cases, the number of cases of male to female ratio was 1.97: 1. The county has monthly cases reported throughout the year, the popular season in April-July, the county’s 16 townships (towns) have case reports. EV71 accounted for 11.11%, CoxA16 accounted for 22.22% and HEV accounted for 66.67%. Conclusion The number of hand, foot and mouth disease patients in this county fluctuated greatly in the past 4 years. In addition to further strengthening the prevention and treatment of this disease, the identification of hand, foot and mouth disease virus in this county should also be strengthened.
目的分析来宾市手足口病流行病学特征,为科学防控手足口病提供依据。方法对来宾市2009~2012年疾病监测信息报告系统的手足口病资料进行分析。结果 2009~2012年全市共报告发病26
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