在北京中关村附近的一个繁华路口,赫然立着一面巨幅广告:奥润BANK STAR—931,通用存折票据打印机。谁能想到上面的“奥润”是一个仅成立一年半的民营企业,更难想到其BANK STAR—931推出后创下的非凡业绩:仅1994年后8个月就售出了3,500台打印机,并且该机遍布全国20多个省市,为中行、农行、工行、建行等专业银行采用。在1995年的三金工程暨信息技术产品展览交易会上,东方奥润(ORIEN)还展示了BANK STAR—951通用存折票据打印机、BANKSTAR—168自动取款机、ORIEN—2000高档存折打印机等银行设备。 一家民营企业何以能在短时间内崛起,并为国家的金卡工程做出贡献?
At a bustling intersection near Zhongguancun in Beijing, a huge advertisement was prominently displayed: Aurun BANK STAR-931, Universal Passbook Printer. Who can think of the above “Okurun” is a private enterprise only established for a year and a half, but even harder to think of the extraordinary performance of its BANK STAR-931 after its launch: only 3,500 printers were sold in the 8 months after 1994. Moreover, the aircraft is spread over more than 20 provinces and cities across the country and is used by professional banks such as Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank. In the 1995 exhibition of three gold projects and information technology products, ORIEN also displayed BANK STAR-951 universal passbook printers, BANKSTAR-168 ATMs, ORIEN-2000 high-end passbook printers and other bank equipment. . How can a private enterprise rise in a short period of time and contribute to the country’s Gold Card project?