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职工退休金按实际开支数额,列入企业当期损益,随着职工退休人数的增加,退休金开支数额增大,现行职工退休金核算办法的弊病日渐突出,其问题主要有以下几点: 一、企业在不同时期,退休金开支多少不等,影响企业经营成果的考核.假定企业生产能力、产量、产品结构等条件没有发生变化,企业实现的利润也会下降,对国家的贡献必然减少.特别是一些比较小的合作商店和手工业联社,因退休金开支大,而出现亏损.退休金开支的多与少,是客观条件造成的,而不是企业主观努力所能克服的,它不应成为影响企业经营成果的因素之一.二、各企业因人员构成不同,职工退休金开支 Employees’ pensions are listed in the current profit and loss of the enterprise according to their actual expenditures. With the increase in the number of employees retirees, the amount of pension expenses increases, and the shortcomings of the current accounting methods for employee pensions have become increasingly prominent. The main problems are the following: In different periods, the company’s pension expenditures will vary, affecting the evaluation of the company’s operating results. Assuming that the conditions of the company’s production capacity, output, and product structure have not changed, the profits realized by the company will also decline, and the contribution to the country will inevitably decrease. There are relatively small cooperative shops and handicrafts associations that suffer losses due to large expenditures on pensions. The amount of pension expenses is more or less due to objective conditions, rather than the enterprise’s subjective efforts can overcome, it should not become One of the factors affecting the business performance of the company. Second, due to the different composition of personnel, the employees’ pension expenses
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本文根据飞行器系统与工程专业人才培养的具体目标和要求,对传统机械设计基础实验教学中存在的不足进行了分析,对机械设计基础实验教学改革进行了探讨。 Based on the speci
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新课程标准倡导提高学生的主体意识,要求我们的教学要从学生的角度出发。新课程标准要求我们改变以往机械的教学方式,教学要从以课文为主转变为以学生为主,课本为辅的角度上来。教学应在使学生掌握知识的前提下,努力提高学生的学习能力、个人素养,使学生得到全面的培养,更健康地成长。笔者从事高中生物教学多年,对新课程改革在高中生物教学中的实施有一些浅显的认识,现总结如下。  一、落实新课程思想应加强知识之间的联系
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