【摘 要】
In present investigation, we constructed recombinants expressing the HCV genotypes 1b, 2a, and 4d core proteins,and established human hepatocellular carcinoma (
【机 构】
Department of Pathogenic Biology and Immunology, Southeast University School of Basic Medical Scienc
In present investigation, we constructed recombinants expressing the HCV genotypes 1b, 2a, and 4d core proteins,and established human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line that expressed various genotype core proteins.The gene expression profiles in the cells expressing different HCV genotype core proteins were compared with those in the control by microarray analysis. In data analysis, a threshold was set to eliminate all genes that were not increased or decreased by 2.5-fold change in a comparison between the transfected cells and control cells. The preliminary microarray analysis suggests that the gene expression profiles regulated by three kinds of genotype core proteins are mainly involved in transport, signal transduction, regulation of transcription, protease activity, etc.,and that some pathogenesis/oncogenesis gene expressions are up/down- regulated simultaneously in the HepG2 cell line. The data suggest that each core protein has its gene expressions profile and that the profiles are implicated in HCV replication and pathogenesis, which may open up a novel way to understand the function of the HCV variant core proteins biological and their pathogenic mechanism.
【摘 要】目的:探讨对糖尿病患者实施健康教育的模式;方法:对180例应用胰岛素笔注射胰岛素的在院糖尿病患者,使用我科自行开发的糖尿病健康教育数据库,实行一对一的知识教育及强化训练等健康教育指导;结果:所有患者都掌握了胰岛素笔的注射技术,避免或减少发生皮下组织增生、硬块,减少胰岛素吸收不稳定的因素;结论:完善、正规地对糖尿病患者进行专项健康教育指导,可提高患者胰岛素注射的依从性,提高疗效,减少并发
患者,女,50岁.因发作性胸痛、胸闷1年,伴活动后气急1个月于2004年11月6日入院.患者胸痛、胸闷常于劳累及情绪激动时发作,心前区呈压迫紧缩感,每次发作持续5~10 min,含服硝酸甘油后可迅速缓解.曾在我院诊断为冠心病,服用硝酸异山梨酯、美托洛尔等药后仍反复发作,近1个月来出现活动后气急.入院检查:体温36.3 ℃,心率80次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压150/90 mm Hg.双肺底
【摘 要】目的:为了更好地防控糖尿病,我们对患者进行个体化健康指导得到很好的效果。主要集中在饮食、运动两方面最基本的个体化规范指导。 提高患者对2型糖尿病的正确认识,规范性治疗,更好地防控糖尿病,以减轻糖尿病的并发症。 【关键词】2型糖尿病;健康指导 【中图分类号】R587 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2012)01-0445-01 1 资料与方法 以2
【摘 要】目的:探讨打造学习型护理团队的方法。方法:从强化学习理念、规范学习培训、建立学习机制、转化学习成果等方面论述打造学习型护理队伍的具体措施。结果:通过打造学习型护理队伍,取得了提高学习的主动性、提高护士综合素质、挖掘护士内在潜能、建设高效护理队伍的效果。结论:打造学习型护理团队是提高护理队伍整体素质、全面提升护理服务质量的有效方法。 【关键词】学习型组织;护理管理;团队精神 【中图分
To observe the accumulation of dendritic cells (DCs) in rat remnant kidney and its contribution to tubulointerstitial fibrosis, under influence of valsartan on