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曾经几次擦肩而过。我在回避被市井喧嚣裹挟着的这座朱漆斑驳的古建筑——庄王府。心底唏嘘,造化写沧桑两个字竟能如此地安静:默默无语的府园藉着普通人的脚步,告别了一个家族、一个王朝的兴衰历程。银安殿前清朝初年的擎檐柱,府门上纵八横八罕见的六十四个门钉,集陵墓、祠堂、府园于中路的绝无仅有的王府规制……封存久远的世事,2010年,被回望。 Several times pass by. I am avoiding the clichéd city of Zhuang Wangfu, a lacquered ancient building surrounded by the noise of the city. My heart sigh, good writing vicissitudes of life the word can be so quiet: silent House by the pace of ordinary people, bid farewell to a family, the rise and fall of a dynasty history. In the early years of the Qing dynasty, Yinan Temple was the only place where the Qing Dynasty imperial columns, the sixty-four door nails on the eight vertical and eight horizontal bars in the gate, the unique mausoleum of the mausoleum, the ancestral hall and the government garden in the middle of the Qing dynasty ... , Looked back.
In the school curricula of the recent past, we were taught of seafaring nations such as the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English and the French and o
上海市劳动局于1984年对多、高层民用建筑内设置锅炉的问题,提出了处理意见,现全文刊登、供各地参考。 Shanghai Labor Bureau in 1984 on the multi-high-rise buildings i
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聪明难,糊涂难,聪明地转入糊涂更难。模糊性教育帮辅导员走过难关。 Clever, stupid, clever to turn stupid harder. Vague education helps counselors to get through di