
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boboluping
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历史教育评估的发展背景丹麦所处的北欧是欧洲较为平和的地区,其不像其他许多国家,自1989年以来都经历了巨变。当然,其社会发展和变化也一直在继续,并且反应到了历史学科中。在本文中,我们将介绍这一学科及其评估方法所经历的一些变化。直到1988年发生变化前,历史在丹麦学校的教学传统上一直是一门口试科目。这种变化在于学校的历史教育开始注重以报告形式出现的书面表达能力和批判性历史意识的培养。在1988年的改革中,文法高中(gymnasium)的历史课程要求学生完成三门主课的书面报告。普通高中(即文法高中)的许多课程都开始关注书面的表达,这主要是为了使学生能够适应与求职相关的新的社会和教育需求。信息通讯技术的发展提供了更多的就业机会,但与此同时也需要学生提高和掌握筛选有用信息的能力以及基本的写作技能。而注重培养其批判性历史意识则是希望学生能够对历史本身有更广泛的理解。学校的历史教育和现实生活不需要被分成两个独立空间,因为历史事实及对它的解释就是贯穿其个人校内外生活的一部分。历史教育的目的就是为了提高学生对历史和现实多样性的认识。 Background of Historical Education Assessment Background Denmark is in a relatively calm part of Europe with northern Europe. Unlike many other countries, it has undergone tremendous changes since 1989. Of course, its social development and changes have also continued, and the reaction to the history of science. In this article, we introduce some of the changes that this discipline and its assessment methods have undergone. Until the changes in 1988, history had traditionally been an oral test subject in Danish school teaching. The change is that the school’s history education began to pay attention to writing in the form of reports and critical historical awareness training. During the 1988 reforms, the history class at the gymnasium required students to complete a written report on the three main subjects. Many of the common high school (or grammar high schools) programs focus on writing, primarily to enable students to adapt to new social and educational needs related to job search. The development of information and communication technology has provided more employment opportunities, but in the meantime it also requires students to develop and master the ability to screen useful information and basic writing skills. While focusing on developing its critical historical awareness, it is hoped that students will have a broader understanding of history itself. School history education and real life do not need to be divided into two separate spaces, because historical facts and explanations of it are part of their lives both inside and outside their own school. The purpose of history education is to raise students’ awareness of the diversity of history and reality.