Resistance of Tribolium castaneum to Phosphine and the Relationship between Complete Lethal Concentr

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosa12
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[Objective] The paper was to investigate the resistance of Tribolium castaneum to phosphine in Hainan Province. [Method] Using the measurement method of phosphine resistance of stored grain pests recommended by FAO,the phosphine resistance of eight strains of T. castaneum adults in Hainan Province was determined. [Result] The resistance coefficients of different strains of T. castaneum against phosphine ranged from 612 to 1 045,and all strains reached extremely high resistance level( Rf > 160). When the concentration of phosphine was 200 mL/m~3,Rf612,Rf826. 4 and Rf1045 strains had complete lethal time of 8,9 and 11 d,respectively. [Conclusion] T. castaneum in Hainan Province had very strong resistance to phosphine,and the operation scheme of low concentration and long duration should be adopted in elimination of T. castaneum. [Objective] The paper was to investigate the resistance of Tribolium castaneum to phosphine in Hainan Province. [Method] Using the measurement method of phosphine resistance of stored grain pests recommended by FAO, the phosphine resistance of eight strains of T. castaneum adults in Hainan When the concentration of phosphine was 200 mL / m (Rf> 160), the resistance coefficient of different strains of T. castaneum against phosphine ranged from 612 to 1 045, ~ 3, Rf612, Rf826.4 and Rf1045 had had complete lethal time of 8, 9 and 11 d, respectively. [Conclusion] T. castaneum in Hainan Province had very strong resistance to phosphine, and the operation scheme of low concentration and long duration should be adopted in Elimination of T. castaneum.
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