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编者按:今年“五·一”劳动节,四川省原仪陇县柳垭信用社义路分社主任邓代良同志在收贷途中不幸遭遇车祸,因公殉职,享年59岁。邓代良同志1962年参加农村信用社工作,中共党员,经济师。他所负责的义路信用社连续多年被评为先进集体,并连续20年赢利。经他手发放的贷款没有一笔死账、呆账,经他手的数亿元现金无一分钱差款。尤其是近3年来,每年赢利都突破20万元。20多年来,该社未发生过任何案件事故,是老百姓心目中的“铁社”。他本人也连续32年获得省、市、县党政、信合系统“先进个人”称号,堪称全省信合职工的楷模。为此,四川省信用合作协会发出了《关于开展向邓代良同志学习活动的决定》,号召全省干部职工学习他心系人民、献身信合的崇高思想;爱岗敬业、忠于职守的可贵精神;艰苦奋斗、无私奉献的高尚品质;任劳任怨、求真务实的工作作风。 邓代良同志是“学习三个代表,实践三个代表”的榜样,广大农村信用社干部职工应该积极向他学习,立足本职,建功立业,为信合事业和地方经济的健康发展而努力奋斗! Editor’s note: This year’s “May 1” Labor Day, Yali, Sichuan Province, the former Yalong Credit Union Yat Road Branch Comrade Deng Dailiang comrades unfortunately in the process of receiving a car accident, died at the age of 59 at the mercy of the public. In 1962, Comrade Deng Dai-liang took part in the work of rural credit cooperatives, member of the Communist Party of China, and economist. He has been responsible for the Righteousness Credit Union for many years been rated as advanced collective, and for 20 consecutive years of profit. Loans issued by his hand did not have a dead debt, bad debt, hundreds of millions of dollars in cash through his hand without a penny difference. Especially in the past three years, annual profits have exceeded 200,000 yuan. For more than 20 years, there have been no case accidents in the society and the “iron club” in the minds of ordinary people. He himself also won the provincial, municipal and county party and government for 32 consecutive years, the letter of cooperation system “advanced individual” title, called the province’s letter workers model. To this end, Sichuan Association for Credit Cooperation issued the “Decision on Carrying out Learning Activities from Deng DeLiang,” calling on cadres and workers across the province to learn from his lofty ideas of devotion to the people and dedication to unity; to love and dedication and to devote themselves to their dedication; Hard work, selfless dedication of the noble quality; hard working, pragmatic work style. Deng DeLiang is an example of “learning from the three represents and practicing the three represents.” Cadres and staff members of the vast rural credit cooperatives should actively learn from him, base themselves on their own posts and work hard to achieve success for the healthy development of the joint undertaking and the local economy!
建立分级诊疗制度建设逐步形成基层首诊、双向转诊、急慢分治、上下联动的分级诊疗和就医模式,是新一轮深化医改的重要目标,也是提高医疗资源利用效率,缓解“看病难、看病贵”的重要举措。其中,基层卫生机构“接得住”是实现分级诊疗模式的重要基础,其突破口便是实施符合中国国情的家庭医生签约服务。国务院七部委联合印发《关于推进家庭医生签约服务的指导意见》,恰逢其时。  推进家庭医生签约服务是实现分级诊疗的关键  