经过长达5年的充分实践之后,档案中介机构的存在范式、涵义特征、职业道德,乃至管理制度、收费标准,才总结出一套完整的规范,上升为理论。日前,由上海档案咨询服务中心副主任陶学龄研究馆员领衔担纲的《档案中介机构理论与实践》软课题,通过了由国家档案局组织的专家鉴定。 上海档案咨询服务中心创立于邓小平同志南巡讲话发表后的1993年,可谓应运而生,应时而立,领风气之先。在经过由含混到清晰,由不自觉到自觉的实践过程之后,他们终于“摸着石头”趟过了这条知
After more than five years of full practice, the existence of archive intermediary organizations, features, ethics, and even the management system, fees and charges, only to come up with a complete set of norms, up to theory. Recently, the “Archives Agency Theory and Practice” soft topic, led by Tao Juling researcher, deputy director of the Shanghai Archives Advisory Service Center, passed the appraisal of experts organized by the State Archives Bureau. Founded in 1993 after Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech was published, Shanghai Archives Advisory Service Center is the first to emerge as the times require. After going from ambiguous to clear, unconscious to conscious practice, they finally “walked over the rock”