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金坛历史上一直是个农业县,直到七十年代,工业才有所起步.十一届三中全会以后,全县工业有了很大发展,尤其是乡镇工业如雨后春笋.经过二十多年的发展,金坛工业形成了机械、纺织、化学、缝纫、建材、轻工、非金属采矿等门类比较齐全的工业体系,拥有工业企业3555家,生产产品3000余种.1994年全市工业完成产值80亿元(其中乡镇工业62.8亿元),占工农业总产值的91.8%;完成工业增加值15.33亿元,占国内生产总值的45%.金坛工业占据了国民经济的主导地位,推动了金坛由农业县发展成为以工业为主导、工农协调发展的市.同时,金坛工业也完成了第一次创业.当今,在世纪交替之时,世界经济正发生着结构的转移,国内外都在抓住机遇,加速发展.市委、市政府正以高度的历史责任感,抢抓机遇,迎接挑战,争取在二十一世纪初叶,将金坛建设成为经济繁荣、科教发达、社会文明的现代化中型城市.从工业的现实发展看,我们已经走过了办厂子、铺摊子的粗放阶段,形成了百亿元的生产规模,进入腾飞发展的新阶段,工业企业扩张规模、提高档次的内在动力日益增强,面对这千载难逢的大好时机,金坛工业要抓住机遇,担当起历史的重任,充分挖掘内在的发展潜力,迫切需要实施第二次创业.二次创业涉及工业组织、工业生产的方方面面,主要的方面有:1.发展观 Jintan has always been an agricultural county in the history until the 1970s when industry began to develop. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the county’s industry has developed a lot, especially after the township industry has mushroomed. After more than two decades, With development, Jintan Industry has formed a relatively complete industrial system of machinery, textiles, chemicals, sewing, building materials, light industry, and non-metal mining, with 3,555 industrial enterprises and more than 3,000 products. In 1994, the city’s industrial output value reached 80. Billion yuan (of which 6.28 billion yuan for township and village industries), which accounted for 91.8% of the total industrial and agricultural output value; completed industrial added value of 1.533 billion yuan, accounting for 45% of the GDP. Jintan industry occupies a dominant position in the national economy and promoted Jintan has developed from an agricultural county to a city dominated by industry and coordinated development between workers and peasants. At the same time, Jintan Industry has also completed its first venture. Today, at the turn of the century, the world economy is undergoing a structural shift, both at home and abroad. They are seizing opportunities and accelerating development. The municipal party committee and the municipal government are seizing opportunities and facing challenges with a high sense of historical responsibility. They are striving to build the Jintan into a prosperous economy, developed science and education, and social civilization in the early 21st century. Modern medium-sized cities. From the perspective of the actual development of industry, we have already gone through the extensive stages of setting up factories and stalls, forming a scale of ten billion yuan in production, entering a new stage of rapid development, and expanding the scale of industrial enterprises to improve the internal quality of grades. With increasing momentum, facing this golden opportunity, Jintan Industry must seize the opportunity to assume the important task of history, fully tap the internal development potential, and urgently need to implement the second venture. The second venture involves industrial organization and industrial production. In all aspects, the main aspects are: 1. Concept of development
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