
来源 :大江周刊(焦点) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangda
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十八届三中全会召开后,从全国知名学者到初涉经济学后生;从工商联主席到单个小微企业,都在尝试着探究改变带来的种种可能。乐观的人们谈论着行业的美好前景和无限的投资机会,审慎的人们关注细则的出台和与机遇并行的挑战。利好的信号给了广大的赣商们极大的信心和动力。然而政策的落实却总是最关键的阶段,蓝图已经铺展,是否能描摹好每一个细节?还需上层机构和民营企业家们的共同努力。和以往的每一次改革浪潮一样,新的政策带来发展机遇,但往往也伴随更多的挑战。这些机遇和挑战对广大的赣商们意味着什么,对江西的非公有制经济发展又将带来怎样的方向性指导?近日,雷元江主席在2013江西民营企业100强发布会和全省非公企业学习十八届三中全会精神的会议上都发表了重要讲话,并接受了本刊专访,对以上问题做出解答。 After the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held, a well-known scholar from the whole country went through economics as a junior economist. From the chairman of the Federation of Commerce and Industry to a single small and micro enterprise, they tried to explore the possibilities brought about by the change. Optimistic people talk about the bright future of the industry and unlimited investment opportunities, and prudent people are concerned about the introduction of rules and challenges in parallel with the opportunities. The favorable signals have given tremendous confidence and motivation to the vast number of merchants in Jiangxi. However, the implementation of the policy is always the most crucial stage. The blueprint has been laid out. Whether it can trace every detail? It is also up to the joint efforts of upper-level organizations and private entrepreneurs. Like every wave of reforms of the past, new policies have given rise to development opportunities, but often more challenges are associated. These opportunities and challenges on the vast number of merchants who mean what Jiangxi non-public sectors of the economic development in turn what kind of directional guidance? Recently, Lei Yuanjiang Chairman of the 2013 Jiangxi Private Enterprises 100 Conference and the provincial non-public Enterprises to learn the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the meeting made an important speech, and accepted an exclusive interview, to answer the above questions.
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班级作为学校教育教学活动的最基础的细胞单元,其教育和管理水平的高低,对学生健康全面的发展,对完成教育和教学的各项任务起着举足轻重的作用。 As the most basic cell un
对于创业者来说,成功是一种习惯,失败也是一种习惯。为什么这么说呢?  如同现实中,越有钱的越有钱、越没钱的越没钱的现象类似。很多创业者是,越成功的越成功、越失败的越失败,看起来就像是一种习惯。  其实习惯背后隐藏着很多因素。习惯是怎么形成的呢?最通俗的解释是,做得多了就成习惯了。  不过,相信所有人都不想让失败成为习惯,但为何很多创业者还是会习惯性地遭遇一次又一次的失败呢?原因就在于他们习惯了用一