烈士精神不死 英名永垂陇右——革命烈士郭化如传

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郭化如(1910—1949),原名郭占荣,甘肃武山县郭槐乡郭家庄人。自幼家贫,无力上学。16岁起以租地务农,当小贩为生。20世纪20年代末,家乡遭遇大旱,两兄饿死他乡。民国十八年(1929)他离开家乡,参加漳县景平娃领导的农民起义。回到家中后,侄儿被镇长诬为“土匪”致死。他多方伸冤无效,自己又险遭暗算。无奈,于民国二十年(1931)投军。曾先后在国民党新编十四师何处团当马夫、传令兵、 Guohua Ru (1910-1949), formerly known as Guo Zhanrong, Guo Huazhou Wugu County, Gansu Guozhuang people. Poverty since childhood, unable to go to school. 16-year-old farm to rent, when the hawkers for a living. In the late 1920s, his hometown suffered a severe drought, and his two brothers starved to death. In the eighteen years of the Republic of China (1929), he left his hometown to join the peasant uprising led by Jingping Wa of Zhang County. After returning home, the nephew was accused by the mayor of “bandit” death. He tried a lot of injustice, his own risk again plotted. Helpless, in the Republic of China twenty years (1931) vote army. Has worked in the New Guomindang Fourteenth division where the group of groom, messenger,