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今年4月26日,中国服装行业协会在温州召开行业会议,公布1997年度我国服装行业百强企业。在按综合经济效益排序的百强企业中,杉杉集团名列榜首。这是我国民族服装企业首次在此次排序中位居第一,标志看中国民族服装工业的发展迈上了一个新台阶。 独木杉苗已成林。如今,杉杉已是走南闯北,身价不凡,各种荣誉也纷至沓来。杉杉西服被中国消协评为1995首选国产商品;连续四年被国内贸易部评为最畅销国产商品“金桥奖”西服类第一名;杉杉牌系列服装被国内贸易部认定为1995年全国服装市场认可名牌产品等等。众多的荣誉及思维定势,使很多人头脑中的杉杉只是那一身帅气的西服,实际上杉杉家族中的成员远不止这些。要想了解杉杉,只有走近杉杉,才会发现其中内在的美及其成长壮大的历程。 On April 26 this year, the China Garment Industry Association held an industry conference in Wenzhou and announced the top 100 enterprises in China’s garment industry in 1997. Among the top 100 companies ranked by comprehensive economic efficiency, Shanshan Group ranked first. This is the first time that China’s national apparel enterprises have ranked first in this ranking. It is a sign that the development of China’s national apparel industry has reached a new level. Alone seedlings have become forests. Nowadays, Shanshan has traveled far north and south, and its value is extraordinary. Various honors have also come. Shanshan suits were rated as the first domestically-produced goods in 1995 by the Chinese Consumers’ Association; for the fourth consecutive year, they were ranked as the best-selling domestic product “Golden Bridge Award” suits for the first time in four years; Shanshan brand clothing was recognized as the 1995 by the Ministry of Internal Trade. National apparel market recognized brand name products and so on. Numerous honours and mindsets have made the Shanshan in many people’s minds just a handsome suit. In fact, the members of the Shanshan family are far more than these. In order to understand the Shanshan, it is only by approaching Shanshan that it will discover its inherent beauty and its course of development.
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