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影片简介:文弱的牙科医生和老练的职业杀手是街坊邻居,同遭追杀又都要困境求生,《整整九码》讲述的就是这样一个注定要出戏的故事。老牌明星布鲁斯·威利斯照旧演他拿手的杀手,该片送给他和喜爱他的观众一份千禧年开门见喜的好礼物。 Video introduction: The feeble dentist and seasoned professional killer are neighbors, and they have to fight for survival. The full nine yards tells a story destined for a play. The old star Bruce Willis is still playing his killer, and the film gives him and his audience a good gift to celebrate the millennium.
1.股民 shareholders2.股友 friends in the stock market3.股市 stock market4.A股 A share/stock5.股市生/新手 greenhand of shares 1. shareholders 2. shareholders 3
Sir Hound says this painting is by world-famous(世界著名的)nature artist OttoBond. But Slylock Fox suspects it is a fake(冒牌货).He believes it is the work of
I.单项填空1.—What a film!—Wonderful!I’ve never seen__one.A.a most moved B.a more movingC.the most moving D.the most moved2.We have examined all the books in
1.Socrates,the great thinker in ancient Greece,had a rude wife,who often lost her temper with him. 1.Socrates, the great thinker in ancient Greece,had a rude
第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) The first volume (t
I.单项填空1.—Give my best__to Mr King.__. A.wishes;I do B.regard;Of course C.love;I will D.regards;I may2.—You made mistakes.—__,but__everybody. A.So I do;s
“&”来源于拉西语et(=and),是由拉丁字母e和t的连写体演变过来的,其英文为ampersand。&也通用于拉丁语和法语。在使用中,&通常可被and代替,但也不尽然。 The “&” is derive
克里斯·奥多耐尔从12岁起就开始靠英俊的外表通过做模特和拍电视广告赚钱,17岁时他在杰西卡·兰格主演的电影《男人别走开》中扮演她的长子, Chris O’Donnell began earn