
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pisahaochima
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Background:This study was designed to examine if patients undergoing the same operative procedure(blepharochalasis operation)have different subjective recognition of dry eye problems depending n whether they had he operation for cosmetic or medical reasons.Patients and Method:The study included 32 patients(25 women,7 men,mean age 57.8± 12.1 years),who underwent blepharochalasis operation between 1/2005 and 5/2005.In 17 patients(group 1)the operation was done for cosmetic reasons,in 15 patients we found a medical indication(group 2).We evaluated the subjective discomfort from the lid problems as well as the satisfaction with the operation in general and pre-or postoperative recognition of dry eye problems(all done by scales).Additionally we measured tear secretion by Schirmer’ s test and break-up time before and after operation.Results:The subjective recognition of a dry eye was stronger in group 1 than in group 2 before and after operation(p < 0.005),but objective data were nearly identically(BUT,Schirmer’ s test).Conclusion:When operated due to cosmetic reasons the stronger recognition of sicca problems(while objectively lacking)is may be caused by a stronger fixation on the lid disease itself.It seems necessary to document objective data for that reason. Background: This study was designed to examine if patients undergoing the same operative procedure (blepharochalasis operation) have different subjective recognition of dry eye problems depending on whether they had he operation for cosmetic or medical reasons. Patients and Method: The study included 32 patients ( 25 women, 7 men, mean age 57.8 ± 12.1 years), who underwent blepharochalasis operation between 1/2005 and 5/2005. In 17 patients (group 1) the operation was done for cosmetic reasons, in 15 patients we found a medical indication (group 2). We evaluated the subjective discomfort from the lid problems as well as the with satisfaction of the operation in general and pre-or postoperative recognition of dry eye problems (all done by scales) .Additionally we measured tear secretion by Schirmer’s test and break-up time before and after operation. Results: The subjective recognition of a dry eye was stronger in group 1 than in group 2 before and after operation (p <0.005), but objective data were nearly ide ntically (BUT, Schirmer’s test) .Conclusion: When operated due to cosmetic reasons the stronger recognition of sicca problems (while objectively lacking) may be caused by a stronger fixation on the lid disease itself. It seems necessary to document objective data for that reason.
你是一个漂亮的姑娘:齐肩的黑发,白皙的脸庞,如清泉般明亮而又黑白的双眸,红润而小巧的唇瓣。你还拥有着匀称的身材,像模特一样令人惊艳。你笑起来很亲切,如清风拂面般令人感到舒畅。  你和我一样,一样任性,一样善良,一样偏执。你乐观,开朗,积极向上,总能像个小太阳般温暖我,无论何时何地。在我众多的堂姐弟之中,我最欣赏的就是你——我的迷糊表姐。  话说回来,表姐,你也是时候改一改你这个迷糊的特征了。不然有
这个世界因为它的存在,从此不再单调、黑暗,变得光明、美好。  ——题记  如果一个人的一生有95%以上的时间是在无声无息中度过的,那该是怎样的一种孤寂?  海伦·凯勒出生于亚拉巴马州北部一個小城镇,在十九个月大时因患猩红热而被夺去视力和听力。她一生活了88岁,却有87年生活在无光、无声的世界里。  当她看不见人生中的任何希望,她想要放弃时,她遇见了那道星光,于是她重新拾起了对生活的渴望。  莎莉文