
来源 :中国社会保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueskyjandy
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江西省上饶水动力厂自去年实行产权制度改革,组建成上饶上动水电设备有限公司以来,企业效益有了长足发展。然而,由于前些年企业生产不景气,职工社会养老保险统筹费欠缴较多,在职职工有后顾之忧,在一定程度上也影响了职工工作积极性。为此,前不久公司董事会决定:缴差补欠,全面健全理顺职工养老保险工作。 该公司现有员工449人,离退休人员157人,自1987年开始就参加了养老保险社会统筹,是上饶市最早进入社会统筹的企业之一。然而,1990年之后,由于企业效益欠佳,社会统筹费年年上缴不足,至1997年底累计欠缴社会保险费达71万余 Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, water power plant since the implementation of property rights reform last year, set up into Shangrao on the move Hydropower Equipment Co., Ltd., the company has made substantial advances in efficiency. However, as a result of the sluggish production of enterprises in previous years, employees’ contributions to the old-age insurance system have been subject to a large amount of overdue contributions. The employees in service have some worries, which to a certain extent also affected their work enthusiasm. To this end, not long ago, the company’s board of directors decided: pay outstanding, fully and properly rationalize employee pension insurance. The company currently employs 449 people, retired staff of 157 people, since 1987 to participate in pension insurance social pooling, Shangrao City is the first to enter the social pooling one of the enterprises. However, since 1990, due to poor corporate efficiency, social pooling fees have been turned over annually, and the accumulated amount of outstanding social insurance contributions reached more than 710,000 by the end of 1997
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