
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyyangcheng
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Background: Bacterial community structures in human pancreatic and biliary tr acts were evaluated. Methods: Gall bladder stones from 153 patients, 20 gall bla dder walls, six common duct stones, 52 biliary stents, 21 duodenal biopsies, nin e pancreatic duct biopsies, and five bile ducts were investigated using fluoresc ence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with ribosomal RNA targeted Cy3/Cy5 (carbocyan ine) labelled oligonucleotide probes. Result: Duodenal, gall bladder, and bile d uct walls were free of bacteria. A dense multispecies bacterial biofilm was pres ent within the pancreatic duct of patients with calcific pancreatitis and within biliary stents, irrespective of diagnosis. The concentration, density, and amen ability of the biofilm to FISH and DNA staining declined progressively with the grade of stent occlusion. The lowest detectable bacterial concentrations were fo und by FISH in completely occluded stents and brown/mixed gall stones. Bacteria were not detectable with FISH in cholesterol gall stones. Conclusions: A wide ra nge of different branches and groups of bacteria participate in the development of biofilms on the surfaces of foreign bodies, such as biliary stents, mixed gal l stones, or calcific pancreatic ducts, but not on the surface of pure cholester ol gall stones. Occlusion of stents leads to progressive extinction of the biofi lm and mummification of its components. Deposition of cholesterol or other subst ances within the biofilm matrix may be a novel mechanism of host defence against bacteria present in these biofilms. Background: Bacterial community structures in human pancreatic and biliary tr acts were evaluated. Methods: Gall bladder stones from 153 patients, 20 gall bla dder walls, six common duct stones, 52 biliary stents, 21 duodenal biopsies, nin e pancreatic duct biopsies, and Five bile ducts were investigated using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with ribosomal RNA targeted Cy3 / Cy5 (carbocyananate) labeled oligonucleotide probes. Results: Duodenal, gall bladder, and bile d uct walls were free of bacteria. A dense multispecies bacterial biofilm was pres ent within the pancreatic duct of patients with calcific pancreatitis and within biliary stents, irrespective of diagnosis. The concentration, density, and amen ability of the biofilm to FISH and DNA staining declined progressively with the grade of stent occlusion. The lowest detectable bacterial concentrations were fo und by FISH in completely occluded stents and brown / mixed gall stones. Bacteria were not detectable with FISH in c holes in gallium. Conclusions: A wide ra nge of different branches and groups of bacteria participate in the development of biofilms on the surfaces of foreign bodies, such as biliary stents, mixed gal l stones, or calcific pancreatic ducts, but not on the surface of pure cholester ol gall stones. Occlusion of stents leads to progressive extinction of the biofi lm and mummification of its components. Deposition of cholesterol or other subst ances within the biofilm matrix may be a novel mechanism of host defense against bacteria present in these biofilms.
1.女明星,曾主演《大笑江湖》、《父子》等影片。  2.张惠妹的一张专辑,收录了《开门见山》、《灵魂的重量》等歌曲。  3.《红楼梦》中领宝玉游太虚幻境的神仙。  4.歇后语“丢了西瓜捡芝麻”的后半句。  5.把自己的祸事推给别人。  6.灵长目猩猩科和长臂猿科动物的总称。  7.心理学上指人的情绪品质和对社会的适应能力,英文缩写为EQ。  8.意大利最高等级的职业足球联赛,是欧洲五大足球联赛之一
【内容摘要】随着课程改革的深入和发展,初中阶段的语文课程教学面临着极大的挑战。为了深入贯彻落实课程改革的相关要求,在初中语文课程中融入对学生休闲文化意识以及情趣的培养显得尤为迫切。本文围绕语文教学中休闲文化意识的基本概念进行了相关论述,就其有效措施进行了探讨,以供广大初中阶段的语文教育者进行参考和借鉴。  【关键词】初中语文 休闲文化意识 情趣 培养  初中阶段是教学的重要阶段,它不仅是学生基本知
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