Syntheses aod Crystal Structures of Rare Earth Complexes with Adamantanecarboxylic Acid, [LnL_3(HL)(

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The title complexes (LnL_3(HL)(H_2O)]_2·2EtOH·2H_2O (Ln= Nd (1), La (2), HL=adamantanecarboxylic acid) were prepared and determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Both complexes crystallize in triclinic system with space group P 1[TX-], cell parameters are: complex (1) a=1.0556(2) nm, b=1.4913(3) nm, c=1.4920(3) nm, α=106.26(3)°, β=93.51(3)°, γ=97.23(3)°, V=2.2253(5) nm~3, D_ cal=1.409 g·cm~ -3, Z=1, F(000)=990, μ(Mo Kα)=1.225 mm~ -1, M_r=1884.50; complex (2) a=1.0453(2) nm, b=1.4971(3) nm, c=1.5052(3) nm, α=106.07(3)°, β=93.58(3)°, γ=97.56(3)°, V=2.2391(5) nm~3, D_ cal=1.397 g·cm~ -3, Z=1, F(000)=984, μ(Mo Kα)=1.015 mm~ -1, M_r=1877.88. The final R and wR are 0.0396 and 0.1062 for 8589 (I≥2σ(I)) observed reflections for complex (1), 0.0505 and 0.1344 for 8417 (I≥2σ(I)) observed reflections for complex (2), respectively. The crystals are consisted of a binuclear molecule. The coordination geometry of the Ln(Ⅲ) ion can be described as tricapped trigonal prism. The title complexes (LnL_3 (HL) (H_2O)] _2 · 2EtOH · 2H_2O (Ln = Nd (1), La (2), HL = adamantanecarboxylic acid) were prepared and determined by single- (1) a = 1.0556 (2) nm, b = 1.4913 (3) nm, c = 1.4920 (3) nm, α = 106.26 (3) nm and crystallinity in triclinic system with space group P 1 [TX-] 3) °, β = 93.51 (3) °, γ = 97.23 (3) °, V = 2.2253 (5) nm ~ 3, D_cal = 1.409 g · cm ~ A = 1.0453 (2) nm, b = 1.4971 (3) nm, c = 1.5052 (3) nm, α = 106.07 (3) nm, 990 μ μ Moα = 1.225 mm -1, M_r = 1884.50; (3) °, β = 93.58 (3) °, γ = 97.56 (3) °, V = 2.2391 (5) nm ~ 3, D_cal = 1.397 g · cm ~ 984, μ (Mo Kα) = 1.015 mm -1, M_r = 1877.88. The final R and wR are 0.0396 and 0.1062 for 8589 (I ≥ 2σ (I)) observed reflections for complex (1), 0.0505 and 0.1344 for 8417 (I ≥ 2σ (I)) observed reflections for complex (2), respectively. The crystals are consisted of a binuclear molecule. The coordination geometry of the Ln (Ⅲ) ion can be described as tricapped trigonal prism.
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