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十年巨变电白县是一个物产丰富的好地方。全县面积2180平方公里,西北山岭重迭,有取之不尽的矿藏资源;中部土地肥沃,为经济作物之地;东南沿海盛产渔盐。解放前,全县只有两条破烂不堪的公路,一条是过境的省道儒垌至水东段,一条是水(东)潭(板)线。由于交通不便,工农业生产很不发达,生产工具落后,运输全靠肩挑,人民生活很苦。当时,国民党反动派利用农民对筑公路的愿望,对群众大肆敲诈。全长十八公里的水(东)潭(板)公路就是强迫农民无偿劳动修成的。而他们却把所捐的钱全部盗去买田地、盖洋房。此后,农 Ten years tremendous Dianbai County is a good place for rich products. The county covers an area of ​​2180 square kilometers, overlapping mountains in the northwest, there are inexhaustible mineral resources; the central fertile land for cash crops; rich southeast coast of the fishing salt. Before the liberation, there were only two dilapidated roads in the county, one was the provincial highway Ruo-Shui East and the other was the water (East) Lake (plate) line. Due to the inconvenience of transportation, the industrial and agricultural production is underdeveloped, the tools of production are outdated, the transportation is all over the country, and people’s lives are bitter. At that time, the Kuomintang reactionaries took advantage of the desire of peasants to build roads and massacred the masses. The 18-kilometer long water (east) Tam (plate) highway is forcing peasants to work unpaid. And they all stolen to buy the land to buy the house. Since then, farmers
上海港一区最近将1975年制造的KZG1.5—8Ⅱ卧式快装锅炉改装成明火反烧炉获得成功。 改装前老锅炉耗煤量高,噪音大,压力不足,长期处于“病休”状态。 从1979年底起,一区对这
威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats Yeats,18651865—1939),爱尔兰伟大的诗人之一一。他于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖年获得诺贝尔文学奖,是一位对现代诗歌具有重大影响