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我是职业妇女,白天工作8小时,晚上回去还要照顾孩子,而先生因工作时间不定,晚上经常到公司去处理事情,所以家庭生活平淡。 也不知从何时开始,先生有了外遇,我哭闹了一阵子,双方感情变得更平淡。现在据他说已不再和那女人来往,可是我从内心深处已不再相信他了。为了维持家庭和谐,我还是尽力保持家庭和乐,忍着内心委屈不去翻旧帐。 但是先生经常夜晚出去,我无法 I am a working woman who works 8 hours during the day and goes back and takes care of her children at night. However, due to her irregular working hours, she often goes to the company to deal with things at night, so her family life is dull. I do not know since when, Mr. had an affair, I cry for a while, both feelings become more dull. Now, according to him, he no longer interacted with the woman, but I no longer believed him from the bottom of my heart. In order to maintain family harmony, I still try my best to keep my family happy and hold back the grudges in my heart. But sir often goes out at night, i can not
TheauthorsusedSanhuangYikang(三黄抑亢,SHYK)capsulesupplementedwithsmalldosageoftapazoleintreating 6 2GravesdiseasepatientsfromJanuary TheauthorsusedSanhuangYikang(SHYK)capsupplesupplementedwithsmalldosageoftapazoleintreating 6 2GravesdiseasepatientsfromJanu
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患者 女 ,2 7岁 ,汉族 ,因习惯性流产就诊。夫妇二人表型正常 ,婚后 4年 ,孕 4胎。第 1胎妊娠 5 0天 ,自然流产。第 2胎5 0多天下腹部胀痛明显 ,阴道少量流血 ,经黄体酮保胎
取柿籽或柿蒂,水煎服,可治腹泻。 Take persimmon seeds or persimmon, Shuijianbi, can cure diarrhea.
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巴布亚新几内亚的医疗制度原以公办为主,80年代后期,由于国家财力有限,1986年开始紧缩预算,改变政策,扶植私有成份,使医疗制度逐步向私有化迈进。 The medical system of Papua New Guin
002医疗普及:约束卫生费用的开支问题有了解决?[法]/LebasM∥Journald’EconomieMedical.-1992,10(7/8).-451~470法国这些年来的卫生费用受到了冲击,尤其是对某些昂贵新药难以管理。70年代中叶以来,经济... 002 medical popularization: the p